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Every solid swallowed food, that was not digested by the time it reaches the end of the small intestine; is collected in the large intestine, which gets some water to help it pass through to the colon and out the body.

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Q: How do the large intestines help the small intestines?
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From the stomach the food moves to the large intestine?

From the stomach, the food moves into the small intestines. After the small intestines the food moves into the large intestines.

How many intestines do you have-?

2 intestines the small intestine the large intestine

What do the stomach small intestines large intestines do?

your stomach and small intestines break food down and anything that gets to your large intestines exits your body through the anus

Why are small intestines longer than large intestines?

The intestines are a tissue from your body.

Does eating to much causes damage to the large intestines?

it can cause the small intestines to stretch but i dont know about the large intestines

What the large intestine empties into this?

Stomach -> Small Intestines -> Large Intestines -> Through Anus and out of the body

What do the large and small intestines do?

work together to help you poop and absorb vitamins and minerals from the food you eat..

How is the large intestine different the small intestine?

The large intestines "soaks up" the nutrients and the small intestines packs and stored the waste.

How many feet are the intestines small and large?

Small 23feet. Large 35

How the large and small intestine help in excretion?

The large intestines "soaks up" for a lack of a better term, all of the nutrients that you have have taken in and that your stomach has turned into a paste. When this process is done your small intestines basically packs the waste and stores it until you have to "go".

What organs are after the small intestines?

the large intestine

What is the gut made out of?

The large and small intestines