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Q: How do sleep patterns extent of sleeping time and amount of rem and nrem sleep change throughout life?
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Can melatonin help change sleep patterns in toddlers?

I recommend giving toddlers half of a melatonin because if they take a whole the chances of them over sleeping are greater

Why do day and night change throughout the year?

Because of the amount of sunlight changing from the earth being on its axis

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Because of the amount of sunlight changing from the earth being on its axis

What is wrong if you smoked weed and now you cannot fall asleep that well at night and it has been three days straight?

You may have acute insomnia, which is sleeping problems, but for a short period. Marijuana does not change the body's chemistry in a way that alters your sleeping patterns, besides HELPING you sleep.

Does changing sleep patterns make you tierd?

Changing sleep patterns and sleep cycles can make a person feel extremely tired. Like for instance, if you change from sleeping all day, and then you change more into a overnight to morning sleep pattern, it will make you feel more tired. It has something to do with the biological/ ciradarian cycle or clock within your body.

Name 2 sky patterns that can be seen without using special tool?

Stars: The arrangement of stars in the night sky forms different patterns known as constellations. Clouds: Cloud formations such as cumulus, cirrus, and stratus can create various patterns in the sky that change throughout the day.

How would you adjust between the different schedules?

Different people use different techniques to adjust between changing schedules. State that you are able to change your sleeping patterns to accommodate any schedule they need you to work.

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A change in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can lead to changes in the Earth's temperature and weather patterns. Increased water vapor can contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming, while variations in water vapor content can affect cloud formation and precipitation patterns.

What is A warming change in the weather patterns called due to change in the ozone layer?

A warming change in weather patterns is GLOBAL WARMING. It can be caused by ozone depletion.

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Is sleeping a chemical or physical change and why?

Sleeping involve some chemical reactions and physical phenomenons but I suppose that it is exaggerate to consider sleep as a chemical/physical change.

Do betta's change colors?

Yes, bettas can change color throughout their lives due to genetics, environmental factors, stress, and health conditions. It is not uncommon for bettas to exhibit different colors or patterns as they age.