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When you sanitize something, you are removing any germs or viruses that could be on the item. this completely stops the spread of germs and viruses, as long as that item remains sterile.

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Q: How do sanitation methods stop infectious diseases from spreading?
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Russell W. Steele has written: 'Clinical Handbook of Pediatric Infectious Disease, Third Edition (Infectious Disease and Therapy)' 'An atlas of pediatric infectious diseases' -- subject(s): Atlases, Communicable diseases, Communicable diseases in children, In infancy & childhood, Infection in children 'Clinical Manual of Pediatric Infectious Disease (Appleton Clinical Manuals)' 'An illustrated pocketbook of pediatric infectious diseases' -- subject(s): Child, Communicable diseases, Communicable diseases in children, Handbooks, Handbooks, manuals, Handbooks, manuals, etc, Infection in children, Methods, Pediatrics

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Cholera is caused by eating food or drinking water containing the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

What is water sanitation?

Water sanitation is covered by the methods used to make water sanitary that is clean.

What has the author Lisa Sattenspiel written?

Lisa Sattenspiel has written: 'The geographic spread of infectious diseases' -- subject(s): Communicable diseases, Disease Outbreaks, Epidemiology, Epiemiologic Methods, Mathematical models, Statistics & numerical data, Theoretical Models, Transmission

Why were reforms in sanitation needed in cities?

Reforms in sanitation were needed in cities to improve public health and reduce the spread of diseases. Poor sanitation practices led to the contamination of drinking water sources, causing outbreaks of waterborne illnesses like cholera and typhoid. Implementing proper sanitation infrastructure such as sewage systems and waste disposal methods helped mitigate these health risks and improve overall living conditions in urban areas.

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How do hospitals conduct disease management?

Disease and infection are controlled using two major methods. The first one is hygiene. Staff wash hands between visits to patients and use gloves when handling infectious substances. The facility is regularly cleaned with disinfectants. The second is quarantining patients with very infectious diseases.

What is the medical revolution?

When Europeans brought their newfound methods of sanitation and medical techniques to different lands.

What benefit did countries get from practicing imperialism?

roads, railroads, schools, hospitals, improved sanitation, and better farming methods.

What is microbial control?

Microbial control refers to the methods used to reduce or eliminate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi from an environment. This can be achieved through physical methods (such as heat or UV radiation) or chemical methods (such as disinfectants or antibiotics) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases or maintain a sterile environment.

Prions are an infectious form of protein?

Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause other proteins to misfold, leading to neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans. They are not alive and cannot be killed by typical methods like heat or disinfectants. Transmission of prions can occur through contaminated meat or tissue.