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Q: How do red red blood cells pick up oxygen from the alveoli?
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Where does blood pick up this oxygen?

Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs when it diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli into the bloodstream. This oxygen is then carried by red blood cells to tissues throughout the body.

What color do blood cells turn when they pick up oxygen from the alveoli?

Blood cells turn red when they pick up oxygen from the alveoli in the lungs. This is because they bind to oxygen, forming oxyhemoglobin, which gives them a red color.

How do you think oxygen gets from your lungs to all the cells of your body?

Oxygen diffuses through the alveoli in the lungs into the blood stream. Here, haemoglobin bonds with the oxygen, forming oxy-haemoglobin. When needed, the oxy-haemoglobin breaks down to form oxygen and haemoglobin to unload the oxygen into nearby cells.

Where in my body does the blood pick up oxygen?

Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs when it passes through the alveoli, tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen from the air we breathe enters the blood in the lungs and is then carried throughout the body by red blood cells.

What is exchange of gas?

This is when the red blood cells , sent from the heart, pass through the alveoli and the breathed in oxygen is diffused into the cell and carbon dioxide is diffused out. The cells then travel around the body in the blood vessels where the oxygen is needed, before returning to the heart in the veins. The red blood cells have a substance in them called haemoglobin . When the red blood cells pick up oxygen in the lungs, it becomes oxhaemoglobin

What do red blood cells pick up from the cells?


What part of the lungs does the blood pick up the oxygen it needs?

The alveoli are where the actual exchange takes place.

The microscopic air sacs or alveoli are the sites where the blood what?

Pick up oxygen and give up carbon dioxide

Where does red blood cells pick up oxygen?


What happens to oxygen after it enter the lungs?

It passes across structures called Alveoli (part of Bronchioles, part of Bronchi) that are full of capillaries to allow blood to pass nearby and pick up the oxygen (binding to red blood cells by osmosis) then that is carried to the heart, then pumped out to the bodies organs which gather the oxygen and trade CO2 for it.Or if you want it simpler;The tissues in the lungs puts that Oxygen into red blood cells which go through your blood stream giving it to organs that need it, such as mussel and your brian.

How does blood pick up oxygen from the lungs?

In the lungs, oxygen diffuses from the air sacs (alveoli) into the surrounding capillaries. These capillaries are thin-walled and have a large surface area for efficient gas exchange. The oxygen then binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, forming oxyhemoglobin, which is then carried by the bloodstream to the tissues.

What oxygenates the blood?

The red blood cells pick up oxygen from the air that is inhaled into the lungs. When the red cells pick up the oxygen from the air, they expel carbon dioxide into the lungs to be exhaled.