The expiration date is in Julian code... Google that to get your expiration date.
banana boat sport expiration code
You don't.
The strips are read by a device that detects light. That device interprets the thickness and spacing of the lines as a sequence of numbers. Those numbers are used to identify whatever item is being scanned.
Charge an E/M code only. Steri strips are included in E/M.
The expiration date on a Tombstone pizza is located on the back of the package in the white space that is close to the bottom of the nutrition information label. Kraft Foods uses a Julian Code Date on Tombstone and Di Giorno pizzas.
February, 2012
Production Date
expiration of active service commitment.
This is not an answer but a question. What is the manufactured/ expiration date. Please and thanks
You Can find it by the expiration date, boxed.