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Doctors diagnose migraine by asking questions about your symptoms to find out if your experience 1) will fit the criteria needed for diagnosis of migraine 2) if your symptoms indicate there may be another cause for head pain and other symptoms.

Because Migraine is primary (not caused by something else) and a diagnosis of exclusion, sometimes MRI/MRA or CT scans are used so that the physician can see visually whether there may be a physical cause within the brain or brain's vascular system that may be triggering the pain.

Below are the criteria adopted by the International Headache Society for two main types of migraine headache - without aura and with aura. The criteria are used as a framework of the most predominant symptoms suffered by migraineurs. They do not describe the experience of every migraineur.

Diagnostic criteria for Migraine Without Aura:
  1. Migraine without aura: at least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D.
  2. Headache attacks lasting 4-72 hours
  3. Headache has at least two of the following characteristics:
    1. unilateral location
    2. pulsating/throbbing quality
    3. moderate or severe pain intensity
    4. aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity
  4. During headache at least one of the following:
    1. nausea and/or vomiting
    2. sensitivity to light and/or sound
  5. Not attributed to another disorder
Diagnostic criteria for *Typical Migraine With Aura:
  1. At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D
  2. Aura consisting of at least one of the following, but no motor weakness**:
    1. fully reversible visual symptoms including positive features (ie, flickering lights, spots or lines) and/or negative features (ie, loss of vision)
    2. fully reversible sensory symptoms including positive features (ie, pins and needles) and/or negative features (ie, numbness)
    3. fully reversible dysphasic speech disturbance (stuttering, slurring, or aphasia)
  3. At least two of the following:
    1. Additional homonymous visual disturbance (which means a loss or blurring of visual in the same visual field in both eyes) and/or unilateral sensory symptoms (loss of sensation that occurs on one side of the body - such as numbness of the face or extremity)
    2. at least one aura symptom develops gradually over ≥5 minutes and/or different aura symptoms occur in succession over ≥5 minutes
    3. each symptom lasts ≥5 and ≤60 minutes***
  4. Headache fulfilling criteria B-D for Migraine without aura begins during the aura or follows aura within 60 minutes
  5. Not attributed to another disorder

*There are categories of atypical migraines. This diagnostic criteria only lists the most common and prominent features of the typical migraine with aura.

**Motor weakness associated with migraine (when no other physical cause is found) indicates atypical migraine, such as familial or sporadic hemiplegic migraine.

***In other types of migraine, aura may last longer than one hour, particularly in subtypes such as hemiplegic migraine where they may last a day or more. A rare complication of migraine is Persistent Aura without Infarction, which means that the aura phase may last for weeks, sometimes months or longer, but scanning of the brain do not indication that a stroke has occurred, meaning that damage to the brain is not At Fault for the neurological symptoms.

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Q: How do physicians diagnose a migraine?
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Only a physician or headache specialist is qualified to diagnose Migraine.

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How do you diagnose migraine treatment?

A Migraine attack may be diagnosed. A Migraine treatment isn't diagnosed, it's prescribed.

What does headaches do?

There are over 300 different headache disorders currently in the ICHD-II: the tool physicians use to diagnose headache. In order to answer this question, a diagnosis must be given. Headache is a symptom, not a diagnosis.For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of headache disorders and Migraine, please seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

what does Headache do?

There are over 300 different headache disorders currently in the ICHD-II: the tool physicians use to diagnose headache. In order to answer this question, a diagnosis must be given. Headache is a symptom, not a diagnosis.For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of headache disorders and Migraine, please seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

Do physicians prescribe steriods for migraines?

Yes, steroids are sometimes prescribed for Migraine attacks.

What is a sentence for the word diagnose?

Doctors diagnose and treat illnesses and conditions. Nurses cannot diagnose, and can only treat patients under the orders of physicians.

Is migraine with aura a common migraine?

That depends if you are asking about the medical term or if it is a type of migraine that occurs frequently. There are two main categories of migraine. The term "common migraine" is an antiquated term that refers to migraines without aura. This term "common migraine" is no longer accepted in the International Headache Society's ICHD II which is used to diagnose headache disorders. Some older physicians who are not familiar with headache medicine may still use this term because they are not aware of the change in terminology. "Classic migraines" is an antiquated term that refers to migraines with aura. This term "classic migraine" is no longer accepted in the International Headache Society's ICHD II which is used to diagnose headache disorders. Some older physicians who are not familiar with headache medicine may still use this term because they are not aware of the change in terminology. "Common migraines" occur more frequently than migraines with aura, but up to 30% of migraine sufferers experience migraines with aura. People who experience migraines with aura may still end up experiencing a "common migraine" sometime during their lifetime. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

How do you know if you suffer migraines?

Only a doctor can diagnose Migraine and rule out other diseases or headache disorders.

Do you have an headache?

No, I have no migraine as I am not vulnerable psychologically. Some times I will get simple head ache. If I believe it is migraine, the recurrence will be more and very often.

What is an internal migraine?

The ICHD-II is the criteria currently used by doctors to diagnose Migraine and headache, and there is no such diagnosis as *internal Migraine*. I wonder if you might have meant abdominal Migraine however. Migraine is a genetic, neurologic disease, and it almost always involves the central nervous system and brain and is typically thought of as a headache. However a Migraine can occur in the gut as well, resulting in pain there with vomiting, instead of the head. For an appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

How do you assess headaches?

Physicians who specialize in headache disorders use the ICHD-II to assess and diagnose headache disorders.