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Fat... Bloated.... Basically like your life is over, you're going to die, you'll get fat quickly, and a bunch of other negative things. It isn't until you are completely okay with your recovery that you are grateful for it.

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16y ago
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14y ago

It does vary per person, but most anorexics do have issues with food. It is human nature to want to eat and to feel hungry. Humans, as do all living things, need food for energy and to live. Anorexics try and refuse to eat, or eat as little as possible. Food can be seen as a sin, a temptation, the "enemy", and many other different ways depending on the individual.

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12y ago

Horrible. You are constantly cold. You can't concentrate. You can't move from one place to another without feeling exhausted. You can't even wash your hair properly because you will feel very tired and weak. WEAK. That is what you feel. Dizzy. Light headed. Every time you stand up, everything goes black and it is like you are going to pass out. You cannot sleep at night. You are exhausted but you cannot sleep. It is stressful. Every time you eat something, even if it is a stick of celery, you hate yourself for it. Pain. My stomach is always in pain. Growling every second of the day begging me for food, but I'm too selfish to give it food. i care more about what i look like than my health. i could die at any second. it scares me, oh does it scare me. yet i ignore it. i ignore the fact that i can wound up having cancer, losing my teeth, and all the other horrible things. I want to eat. I want to be normal. Just like everyone else. I really want to order a box of Pizza and just eat it all just like a normal teenager. yet i can't. it is controlling me again. it tells me not to. i hate the feeling of being hungry. yet i love it. i love the feeling of starving because it makes me feel thin. I lie in my bed every night thinking, "you have a pantry full of food, a fridge full of food, and a healthy body. there are people who do not have even the slightest bit of food and would trade their lives with yours. You are not deaf or blind. no problems at all. you are blessed. you are healthy. yet you are destroying everything inside of you. you are killing yourself slowly. i know that. yet i ignore it. i was bullied all my life, the worst kind of bullying. i was a confident child who loved life, who smiled all the time. healthy. cracking jokes. making everyone laugh. eating just like a normal kid. now i hate it. i hate life. i am depressed. i don't smile anymore. i don't make jokes. i am thin. i look in the mirror and i cannot find that child. it horrifies me. i cry every time. i don't look like myself. my eyes look dead. my life is too in control. i have depression, an eating disorder and i most likely have a mental problem. I have tried to get help. everyone tries to help. the more i think about it, the worse i get. i hate it all i just hate it. i want it to stop but i can't. and when i am getting better.... i only get worse. i fall right back. it sucks it really does."

This is what goes through my mind all day long. It is really bad. i haven't eaten for 3 days now. it is horrible. i try but i can't. love who you are. love yourself. don't worry about what other people think about you. worry about your health and family. be happy. live life.

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15y ago

Like you have no other option, depressed beyond belief, hungry.

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14y ago

lonely, isolated, possibly misunderstood. Low self-esteem, feels imperfect and thinks she can make her self perfect by controlling what she puts into her body.

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Q: How do people with anorexia people feel about food?
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Do people die of anorexia?

Yes. Anorexia is a very dangerous and deadly disease. You are literally starving yourself. Depriving your body of food.

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How does anorexia effect the body?

Because you need food to fill your stomach up, & if not your stomach shrinks and you need food to keep it feel, & that's how you get sick.

How do people with anorexia behieve?

People with anorexia can behave in many different ways. Often they will be secretive or uncomfortable around food or when eating. Many prefer to eat alone and will do anything to avoid eating in public or even avoid social events or gatherings that involve food. Anorexia can cause mood swings, depression, and isolation, too.

Does food give you anorexia?


How is anorexia related to other eating habits?

Anorexia is an eating disorder. People with anorexics severly limit their food intake to well below what normal, heathy levels and recommendations are.

How many people in Australia suffer from anorexia?

About 1 in every 250 people who suffers from an eating disorder suffers from anorexia.

Do you have to be anorexic to have anorexia?

People who suffer from anorexia are called anorexics.

How many calories is anorexia?

No. You would have to eat almost NO calories to accomplished that.

Who are people with anorexia?

A person with an eating disorder is usually referred to by their disorder. For example, a person with anorexia is called an anorexic. A person with bulimia is called a bulimic. A person who suffers from binge-eating or compulsive-over-eating disorder are called binge or emotional eaters.

Why did anorexia occur?

It is not exactly determined why anorexia occured, but there are some thoughts. Usually, anorexia is a result of a person trying to lose weight because they feel insecure about their bodies. This can result from BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) or from teasing or being made fun of or through others constantly telling you that you are fat, unattractive, or overweight. Anorexia can also happen out of a need for control. For someone who feels that they lack power over things or aspects of their life, many feel that food is one of the few things that they have total say on. (Think, no one can really force you to eat. It's pretty much your choice how much you eat and what you put into your body. Anorexia can also occur if people want to be "pretty" or "attractive", and they feel that being super-thin is the only way to do so. Also, anorexia can sometimes develop out of a need for approval or attention.

At what age do the most people have anorexia?

The age at which the most people have anorexia is between 12 and 25.