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Birthmarks - marks present on the skin at birth - may be caused by:

1.) minor malformations of blood vessels;

2.) high concentrations of melanocytes in an area of skin;

4.) trauma whilst passing down the birth canal when being born.

Some are permanent; others are not, & fade/ disappear in early life.

"Classic" brown or black birthmarks may be due to genetic anomalies: some seem to be hereditary, appearing on the same areas of the bodies of different members of the same family; others occur randomly on individuals. "Mongolian marks" (usually bluish/ grey colour) occur frequently on babies of Asian ancestry. Brown birthmarks tend to occur on white people (5-10% frequency in most populations), although black people may have them too: they're most frequently located on the trunk, buttocks & legs; they occur more in women than men, & are most common on blondes/ fair skinned people, and especially redheads. Exactly why this is is uncertain, but it's most probably a genetic cause.

Such naevi are caused by an unusually high concentration of melanocytes in one area of skin; they may be regular or irregular in shape; large (ie >1.5 cm across) or small (commonly called "moles"); flat or raised; some may be hairy. Generally, such marks are harmless (cosmetic considerations aside), although multiple "cafe au lait" marks on one person may indicate certain neurological conditions.

The "Becker's Naevus" is a male "birthmark" - typically fairly large/ hairy, occurring on chest/ upper back - that emerges on some men (approx 0.2%) at or after puberty: seemingly stimulated by testosterone. Technically, because not present at birth, these are not birthmarks, but because they're almost certainly genetically determined (in a sense congenitally "programmed" to appear later) most regard them as such.

Other birthmarks are vascular - "port wine" marks are usually caused by abnormal dilation of blood vessels near the skin surface. If extensive, & on the head/ face, they may be associated with blood vessel abnormalities inside the head as well. Generally, however, such marks are harmless.

Many birthmarks are nothing more than the result of the traumas/ pressures experienced by the baby during birth: bruises/ contusions, minor extrusions of blood vessels etc (eg many so called "Strawberry marks"), and, in most cases, they fade and usually disappear in early life.

So, you "get" a birthmark either because of some minor developmental glitch whilst in the womb, or because of the traumas of birth itself.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Well you cant get rid of birthmarks all the time but if you try put skin makeup evryday of your color evry hour and then rinse and put soap on it and if your skin is sensitive it will worl if not there is no way to get rid of it cuz its born with u til life :)

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14y ago

look it's almost impossible to get rid of them but you can cover them up with makeup but you should be happy with birthmarks because it shows that you are a part of your family i have a birthmark on my leg and so do al my family

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11y ago

You Dont Get Rid Of Beauty Marks.

You Can Keep Scratching Them. But Then You Will Get A Scare. Just Leave Em .

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12y ago

Birth Marks are the naturally occurring marks that appear on a baby after being born. These marks are genetically passed on by your mother or father.

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10y ago

It is not known how people get birth marks; they are just part of how your are born.

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13y ago

you dont, makeup?

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10y ago

ask your doctor

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