

How do people get TB?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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12y ago

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Tuberculosis (TB) is andisease caused by bacteria found in the

Mycobacterium Genus. It is transmitted through aerosol form whenever someone

who is a carrier expels it through any form of exhalation. It takes less then 10 bacteria

to cause an infection.

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Q: How do people get TB?
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What is the age that people get tb at?

People can get TB at any age. There are some children who also get TB infection during birth. Being an airborne disease, anyone who is exposed can get TB.

Can you work with people if you have tb?

If you have active pulmonary TB you are infectious and you must not have close contact with people who are not immunised. If you have previously had TB but it is not active, then you are not infectious and you can do everything normally. Your doctor can tell you which sort of TB you have

Why do people stay from people with TB?

It is very contageous.

How many tuberculosis are there?

Tuberculosis, or TB, is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs but that can attack other parts of the body. There are two forms of TB: TB infection and TB disease. Most people with TB have TB infection.

How does the tuberculosis infection invade and attack the body?

TB is an ancient infectious disease that has been around for over 30, 000 years. It is Caused by infection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and in most cases affects the lungs. It is found worldwide. The bacilli spores are transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, but you have to spend quite a long time with an infected person in order to catch TB. It cannot be transmitted by objects such as bed linen or clothes, although it is possible to contract TB by drinking unpasteurised milk products from an infected cow. Written by Anisa Zulfqar

Is TB a bacteria and lives but is inactive in the body?

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB bacteria can live in the body in an inactive state, known as latent TB infection. In this state, the bacteria are not actively causing symptoms or spreading, but they can become active and cause disease if the person's immune system weakens.

Is bone disease is the number one killer of HIV?

TB is the number one killer of people with HIV, not bone disease.Bone disease is not the number one killer of people with HIV, TB is.

How many people died of TB last year?

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.4 million people died of tuberculosis (TB) in 2019.

How many people does tb kill each year?

Tuberculosis (TB) kills around 1.4 million people worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Why do people born in Russia have positive TB test?

People born in Russia may have a positive TB test due to high rates of TB infection in the country. Russia has a significant burden of TB cases, and exposure to the bacteria that causes TB is more common in certain regions. It's important for individuals with a positive TB test to undergo further evaluation and treatment if needed.

When was TB or Not TB created?

TB or Not TB was created on 2005-11-01.

Is Tb Joshua an antichrist?

foolish question, to be answered by foolish people