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U will know when it happens ur voice will hurt a bit then ur voice wont be able to hit the high nots and ur voice wont always work, ur adems apple will apear and move up and down as u speak.

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Q: How do i know if my voice is breaking or if i just have a sore throat its got a bit deeper and gets high and low sometimes?
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Is there any miner problems when you get a deeper voice during puberty?

Sometimes, the transition form childish voice to deeper voice is accompanied with a period where voice breaks. Here it feels like you have a tiny throat infection..but this is normal .

I am 16 and my voice still hasn't broken and I sometimes get uncontrollable raises in my voice but my voice is already very high to begin with so it cracks even higher so will my voice get deeper?

maybe, a cracking voice is a sign of a changing voice but if you voice is as high as you say it may not drop the way you want It is normal for a boy to have freak waves of change in his voice pattern when it is breaking. It will settle down shortly and be deeper.

Does your throat hurt when going through puberty for a boy?

You can get a sore throat, especially in boys when the larnx is stretching. This is a process that is natural and ends in the voice changing to a deeper tone. It is more often called the voice breaking.

What happened to Adele voice?

something in her throat popped, and her voice were so much deeper, and then she got a laser surgery, and she's telling an interviewer that her voice is so much smoother now :)

What happened to Adele?

something in her throat popped, and her voice were so much deeper, and then she got a laser surgery, and she's telling an interviewer that her voice is so much smoother now :)

Why does your voice deepen when you have a cold?

Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) can sometimes accompany common cold and can lead to hoarseness or loss of voice.

What age does your voice get deeper?

It depends. My voice got deeper when I was 12.

Could a creaky sore throat mean your voice is breaking?

Yes, it may well mean that your voice is breaking. At the stage of puberty where you voice breaks you may experience several changes, some of which are sore throats and squeaky, uncontrollable sounds. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

What could it be if your voice is hoarse but your throat doesn't hurt?

Answer It could be laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. You would have to see a doctor to be sure. Also if you Male and a teenager? It could be that your voice is breaking.

Why is Sophia bush's voice different deeper now?

Sophia Bush's voice was deeper due to her naturally raspy voice and her health. During the seasons where she had a deeper voice, she claimed that she was ill.

When do you get a deeper voice?

Through pubertyhi to all !if u need a strong crisp deeper voice you should go to ebay and purchase A book "HOW TO GET A DEEPER VOICE?" . this book suggests exercises which work really well. You don't need to waste timewhile surfingsite to site. These exercises are so useful that you get results early and u can perform theses exercises even with your busy schedule. deeper voice is a dream of every man and that's what it offers,,,,,,atleast I purchased it and it worked for me........

Is the voice box on the left side of the throat?

The voice box is medial in the throat,