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Q: How do i know if i need hip surgery?
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How exactly can you know what your surgery will be like before you have it done?

You can never know exactly what your result of surgery will be before having it done. Although has several virtual surgeries. There is hip replacment surgery, hip reasurfacing, and knee surgery. You can also see pictures of actual steps in the surgery.

Why do your veins feel funny after hip replacement surgery?

This is a question you should best ask your DOCTOR. It could be something she would really need to know.

What symptoms does a patient present to indicate the need for hip revision surgery?

In most cases, increasing pain, greater difficulty in placing weight on the hip, and loss of mobility in the hip joint are early indications that revision surgery is necessary.

What are the advantages of hip resurfacing surgery instead of hip replacement surgery?

Advantages of hip resurfacing surgery instead of hip replacement surgery include bone preservation, reduced chance of dislocation and easier revision. You can learn more about hip resurfacing techniques from the Wikipedia website.

Who is the patron saint for healing after hip replacement surgery?

There are no patron saints of healing after hip surgery.

How long does hip replacement surgery takes?

Hip replacement surgery takes between one and two hours. You will have to stay in the hospital after your surgery.

What do I have to know about post weigh loss surgery?

You would need to know the guidelines of this surgery. You would need to know what this diet recommends that you eat. You would also need to know exactly what you need to do.

What do well hip mean?

Well hip is a terminology that is often used for hip replacement surgery procedures. The hip is located between the thighs and the stomach area. Most people may have hip surgery if they have a slip or fall and have broken their hip.

Is s hip replacement surgery an elective surgery?


Have canker sore in mouth should hip surgery be cancelled?

We know nothing of your medical history. Ask your doctor.

Where can hip revision surgery be performed?

Hip revision surgery can be performed in a general hospital with a department of orthopedic surgery , but is also performed in specialized clinics or institutes for joint disorders.

Where is hip replacement surgery performed?

Hip replacement surgery can be performed in a general hospital with a department of orthopaedic surgery, but is also performed in specialized clinics or institutes for joint disorders