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Q: How do doctors treat a blocked blood vessel?
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What happens in Catherization?

During catheterization, a thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel to diagnose or treat various conditions. It allows doctors to measure blood pressure, inject dye for imaging tests, open blocked arteries, or administer medications directly into the bloodstream. The procedure is commonly used in cardiology and radiology.

How do you get rid of information from a blown blood vessel?

Removing a broken blood vessel depends on its size and location. Surgical intervention include ligation in cases of medium to large vessels. Oftentimes, blood removal is sufficient to treat a bleeding blood vessel.

What did medieval doctors do to treat pneumonic plague?

They tried to treat the plague by cutting open the skin and letting the blood leak out. They thought that the blood was the reason for the black boils on the skin.

Who do doctors treat?

the people that doctors treat are called "Patients".

How do you treat a broken blood vessel in toes?

elevate, ice, advil/motrin, bed rest 24/48 hours.

What doctors treat hematology?

Hematologists and Oncologists treat hematological problems or diseases of the blood. To find a hematologist in your area, try or "find a provider" through your insurance.

What is sclerotherapy used for?

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat irregular blood vessel formations. This procedure involves a small needle being inserted into the proper vessel area and release medicine to help the blood vessels shrink. This is commonly used on young adults and children.

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What is the difference between vets and doctors?

Vets treat animals and doctors treat humans. In other words, a vet is like a doctor, only they treat animals. Vets are animal doctors

How did doctors treat diseases in 1066?

the doctors often used herbs

How did medical doctors treat patients?

Madical doctors are normal doctors they give madicines and injections

How do you treat broken blood vessel in foot?

There is no true way to treat the broken blood vessels. The best remedy is to apply cold and heat in 10 to 15 minute cycles, and allow the leg to remain elevated. This will help induce healing and keep blood from rushing to the injured area, which may ultimately cause more damage.