They use a TTY. It's basically a type-writer style telephone which allows the deaf person to type what they want to say and the other person to see it and vise-versa. If you are hearing and want to speak to a deaf person you can call a rely service and they will listen to what you have to say, type it to the deaf person, read and tell you what the deaf person is typing back.
ASL would be a primary means of communication, but there is also written language, text, email, relay services, including videorelay, iprelay, and if you want to stretch, i would also include Morse Code, and smoke signals for some..
To talk to deaf people on phone you can either use sign language while doing a video call or you can just text them or show them some letters written on a notebook
Blind people use Braille, deaf people are not visually impaired
Deaf is a word use for people that can not hear. Also many people may be partially deaf, which means they can hear some sounds but not clearly.
yes it does
He rung the doorbell.
Yes, most houses make use of the doorbell in north America
Deaf people cannot hear because they were born with the disability or they became deaf when growing up such as listning to loud music all the time ect.
People who have to use or have something to do with sign language.
Every person's situation is different, but sign language is one of the best options for deaf people to connect with other people.
sign language is the way deaf people talk but not with their mouth they use their hands to talk you can talk to deaf people by using sign language
sometimes other people's doorbells in your neighborhood are the same and when ringed it's frequency rings your doorbell
Yes, deaf people can get married.
they did to go out with deaf people