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Everywhere you go there's food and there's NO avoiding it, except staying home. Anorexics can't have "normal" relationships because they won't eat with people.

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Q: How do anorexics have relationships with people?
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Related questions

How extreme can some anorexics get?

Many people die from anorexia.

Do you have to be anorexic to have anorexia?

People who suffer from anorexia are called anorexics.

People who believe they are overweight and refuse to eat?

Anorexics (anorexia nervosa)

How do people die from anorexia?

Millions of people every year die from anorexia or complications from the disorder. About 15% of anorexics will die.

Who diagnoses anorexics?

Most anorexics are diagnosed by pediatricians or family practitioners

How do anorexic people throw up?

Anorexics don't eat. Bulimics throw up.

Will anorexia get rid of cellulite?

Yes, it is possible. Not all anorexics are underweight, and cellulite can appear on "thin" people. Cellulite is in realtion to the distribution of fat, not the amount of fat present, so it is possible for anorexics to have cellulite.

How quickly do anorexics lose weight if there healthy?

Anorexics are never healthy, you need food to be healthy.

How many calories do anorexics consume?

Most anorexics consume 600-800 calories a day.

Are anorexics in denial?

Most anorexics deny that they are ill and are usually brought to treatment by a family member

How many people are diognosed a year of anorexia?

Very few people are actually diagnosed. Only 30% or so of anorexics will get a diagnosis.

Can anorexics eat small amounts of ice cream?

What a scary question. You didn't ask "do they" - which is just as scary as your misunderstanding of anorexia. Anorexics are merely people who starve themselves because they constantly believe they are imperfect or fat - normally due to low self esteem. Anorexics can eat ice cream. They can eat steak. Anorexics can eat whatever they want, the problem is the fact that they don't. Do not emulate an anorexic. Do not starve yourself to become skinnier - it will kill you.