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You go to the doctor and ask him what to do By Fluffyhellokitty

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Q: How do I Treat an infected spot on a sensative area?
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Their feelings.

What is a Mans most sensitive spot?

The most sensitive spot on a man's body is typically considered to be the tip of the penis, specifically the glans. This area is highly concentrated with nerve endings, making it very sensitive to touch and stimulation.

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A spot is a small area of blood.

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A sun spot

Why would your horse pull out her hair in one spot on her leg?

There are multiple reasons your horse could pull out hair on only one spot on his leg. He could have an infected area there. He could have gotton something stabbed into his leg there. Theres multiple different things. I suggest you call a vet. Sweeney_Todd_Fan

Can you treat turtles and fish with the same medication for white spot?

no you cant

When is the area in the spot largest?

The area in the spot is largest during the summer months when the spot receives maximum sunlight and warmth, promoting lush vegetation growth.

Why redness spot it turn to blue and black in colour after few days?

because its infected and you didnt put ointment

Can you go to the YMCA pool with a bleeding spot?

No. It is a public pool and depending on the cause of your bleeding you could get it infected or spread what you have.

What is a gravid spot on a yellow molly?

A gravid spot is the dark area on the fish's butt.

If two black dots in your ear looked like blackheads but swelled up when you tried to pop them What were they?

Quite possibly they were blackheads that got infected. If you drain an infected spot, always use a sterile needle and make sure that the area is clean (and your hands as well). Use neosporin or other topical antibiotic afterwards. It would be better if you allowed a doctor to do this procedure.