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Yellow Fever didn't become a virus. It is caused by a virus that causes the skin to look yellow because the liver is damaged.

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Q: How did yellow fever become a virus?
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Is yellow fever viral?

yellow fever is caused by a virus

What type of disease is the yellow fever?

Yellow fever is a virus.

What type of germ is yellow fever?

Yellow fever is a disease spread by the bite of a female mosquito. The virus that causes Yellow Fever is an RNA virus of the genus Flavivirus.

Is yellow fever virus DNA or RNA?

Yellow fever virus contains RNA as its genetic material.

Where is the yellow fever virus found?

The yellow fever virus is found mainly in Africa and South America.

Is yellow fever a bacterial viral or parasitic disease?

Yellow fever is a viral disease caused by the yellow fever virus, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

What is scientific name of yellow fever?

Coquillettidia fuscopennata Why do people answer questions they clearly know nothing about? This is the name of a mosquito, and not even the right one. answer: According to "The Dictionary of Virology" by Brian Mahy, the scientific name for yellow fever is "Flavivirus febricis". its the Flaviviridae family (includes flavivirus, hepacivirus, and pestivirus. -Kiera

How is yellow fever passed along?

the virus responsible for yellow fever requires an intermediate vector, a mosquito, which carries the virus from one host to another.

Do fungi cause the disease yellow fever in humans?

No. Yellow fever is caused by a virus that is carried by mosquitoes.

Name of pathogen that causes yellow fever?

An yellow fever virus causes yellow fever.

How is yellow fever virus related to biology?

Yellow fever is a viral disease, caused by the eponymous yellow fever virus. It affects primates and humans as hosts, and is transmitted primarily by mosquitoes as vectors.The disease is controlled by limiting the population of mosquitoes in endemic regions.

First human disease caused by a virus?

yellow fever