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In the Middle Ages the Bubonic Plague came from the fleas living on rats. The rats bit the people or the fleas got on the people (since sanitary conditions were so bad that it was a nightmare) and the people got the bubonic plague. They developed sores ("ring around the rosie"nursery ryme) that were shaped like cirles that spread. There was no actuacl medicine back then and the diesese was highly contagious, so much that one-third of the population died. People had to bury people that died and they got the plague. The bodise were not always buried either. They died in the streets in their homes or trying to get help. they got bad fevers and ran out of strengh with no medicine it is easy to see why they died and why so many died. We have a cure for the bubonic plague today...just to be safe and prepared if it would ever start again.

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13y ago
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10y ago

People died from the plague because of a lack of knowledge and the fact that antibiotics where not available for another 600 years. The bacteria associated with the plague quickly overwhelms the immune system and killed 1/3 of those who contracted it.

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14y ago

The plague, also known as the black death , killed millions of people because

well, back years and years from now , there were rats... TONS of rats, and rats

were coming in from other countries carrying a flea.

The flea bit the rats and after millions of rats died the fleas had nothing to bite.

(The flea was highly poisenous)

The flea then landed on countries (Ireland was first to get it )

The flea went on and bit humans.

Little did the humans know, but by Christmas , millions of people died of

plague / The Black Death..

It's a sad story but , true.

After that followed the great Famine (pronounces Fa-min) caused by potatoes..

But of course, that's another story!

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15y ago

The Black Plague was spread to humans by rats that had been infected by rat fleas. When humans were infected, buboes spread on the body and the person would cough up a mixture of blood, saliva, and mucus. The person would usually live only 3-7 days after being infected before death.

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13y ago

You started with a headache, then you got severe nausea after getting a chilling fever that left you exhausted. Then you'd get lots of back and joint pain, and bright light would be so much that you couldn't stand properly. Then you'd cough blood and 80% of people with the Pneumonic Plague would die. It comes from the Bubonic Plague.

Answered by RuskyMeow ~ Hope this helped!

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13y ago

During Shakespeare's time a lot of people were struck by the unfortunate disease. It basically makes them sick and they die of the plague.

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14y ago

well they just sorta get boils under there armpits then... die

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11y ago

25 million people died wiping out nearly half of Europes population:( sad really

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What are the steps of the bubonic plague killing victims?

you get it

How were bubonic plague victims buried?

They didn't bury them. They burned them on pyres.

How does bubonic plague hurt you?

You die.

What made plague frightening?

The speed that Bubonic Plague overtook its victims and the gruesomeness of the death were particularly frightening, especially when the cause was unknown.

Why did William Gilbert die?

He died from the bubonic plague!

How severe is plague?

Today the Bubonic plague isnt so severe because it can be treated by antibiotics. But the other type of plague called the Pneunomic plague spreads faster and victims will die in 2 days, symptoms of the pneunomic plague include coughing blood. However i dont know how the Pneunomic Plague started.

Can you prevent Bubonic Plague?

To be cured from the Bubonic Plague you can use antibiodics. In the previous bubonic plagues when it was a plague there was no cure.

Which disease gives dark splotches it formed on its victims' bodies in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague (Black Death).

How many people die from plague yearly worldwide?

Approximately 2000 people die from a the plague on a yearly basis worldwide. The last big plague was the bubonic plague.

Why were the 1300 a century of crisis?

The Bubonic Plague

What is the English word 'plague' in German?

Die Pest as 'bubonic plague', Die Plage as 'plaque' or 'bother', or Die Seuche as 'epidemic' may be German equivalents of 'plague'.

How does the bubonic plague affect muscles?

The Pneumonic plague, (internal bubonic plague,) constricted your throat muscles.