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Q: How did typhus affect people?
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How many people die from typhus in the 21ST century?

2,000,000,000 people have died of typhus

How many people have died from typhus in the last 700 years?

More than thousand million people have died of typhus from typhus in last 700 years.

How do people get typhus?

we get typhus by bites of ticks and lice~

About how many people died from typhus worldwide?

millions of people

What is Brill-Zinsser disease?

a reactivation of an earlier infection with epidemic typhus. It affects people years after they have completely recovered from epidemic typhus.

How many people died in the 20th century from typhus?


Is typhus a virus or bacteria?


Ho many people died of Typhus in the US?


Does typhus itch?

Yes, the typhus rash may itch, especially if it is murine typhus.

What kind of sickness did people die from in Holocaust?

Typhus, typhoid fever and dysentry.

What sickness did people die from in World war 2?

propbly fever, typhus

Is there a sertent place that you get typhus?

is there a certent place that you get typhus