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It is called the "Pap" test after its developer, Dr. George N. Papanicolaou.

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Papanicolau test

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Q: How did the pap test get its name?
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Related questions

What is another name for a pap test?

It often is called a "Pap smear."

Can a pap smear cause a false pregnancy test?

A pap does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

What does pap smear test do and why do females need it?

A pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer.

Do obgyn's test for herpes and hpv in prenatal pap?

A pap smear is not used to test for herpes. Whether an HPV test will be run at the time of your pap depends on factors including your age, pap history, and current pap result. Ask your health care provider if it makes sense for you to be tested for HPV at your next pap.

Can the doctor see any abnormalities during a pap test?

Yes. That is the whole point of a pap test

Can a pap smear test prevent a possible pregnancy from occurring?

A pap smear test won't prevent pregnancy.

Medical test called Papanicolaou?

The Papanicolaou Test, also called a Pap test or Pap smear is used to detect cervical cancer. A variation, the anal Pap is used to detect anal cancer.

What is a pep test?

Women get pap tests or a pap smear to test for the presence of cancer in the uterus or cervix. The cells that collected from a pap test are tested. Women should get tested every three years.

Can they see if you are pregnant when doing a pap smear?

A pap smear can't detect pregnancy. A pregnancy test is required for that purpose.

What is a pap smear urine test used for?

There is no "pap smear urine test." A urine test may be done at the time of the pap smear to detect other conditions. Talk with your heatlh care provider to find out what tests were done during your exam.

What is pap test?

A test that involves in taking a sample of cervical cells to determine if they are growing abnormally.

An exfoliative biopsy of the cervix and surronding tissues is known as?

Papanicolaou test also known as pap smear test