Yes, during the 2009 Swine Flu (H1N1/09) pandemic, there were effects in all of both North and South America along with all countries and continents of the world. Negative effects included illness, lost work production, lost wages, closed schools and universities, medical costs, and of course, deaths. With rapid production of an excellently matched vaccine, however, the pandemic has been declared over as the case numbers have dropped with more and more preventive measures in use. Only isolated outbreaks are currently ongoing in the world as of January 2012. Positive effects included the opportunity to test and evaluate measures that were in place to handle this type of infectious disease emergency to improve the plans. People were educated about preventing the spread of Infectious Diseases. World nations cooperated in the process to produce vaccines which helped create common ground for better international relations.
Tissue sales go through the roof!
More seriously:
It has made millions of people sick and thousands die. It affected the young and healthy which is unusual for influenza that most often attacks the weak and elderly. It caused schools, colleges, camps, as well as businesses and factories to shut down. It created panic. It caused hospitals to overflow with patients, either with the flu, or afraid they had the flu.
It caused the governments of the world to spend millions of dollars on education for prevention, as well as for treatment of the uninsured (in the US).
It made money for the producers of vaccines and other safe and effective cold and flu products. It made money for unscrupulous companies and individuals who used fear to sell ineffective and bogus products that were neither tested safe or effective.
It created restrictions in travel and entry into foreign countries. It caused some countries, that did not study or that misunderstood the true risks, to kill all the hogs and pigs within their borders, thinking that is how the novel H1N1 flu was being spread.
Hopefully, it made us all aware of the need to be educated on how communicable diseases are passed from person to person or object to object so that we can prevent spreading or getting diseases.
Most importantly, it proved to people that the best "cure" is prevention, by use of good hygiene and vaccinations approved in the US by the FDA and CDC and WHO. We will all need to stay current with all our recommended immunizations and, when vaccines are available for new diseases, we should follow the guidance of medical and epidemiological professionals, not instant self-proclaimed experts. We must all be responsible to each other and be open to getting our vaccinations to prevent us getting and passing on deadly diseases. All the uninformed voices trying to tell people not to get vaccinated have been proven to be talking out of their hats. Listen to the medical authorities, doctors, and nurses and ignore people who are trying to practice medicine without any training who tell you to ignore the experts.
It helped the world realize what could have happened and be better prepared for the next new communicable disease to go pandemic. Hopefully, it also educated everyone to be aware of each cough and each sneeze and how they could be spreading a killer to others by using poor community hygiene.
In March and early April in 2009, cases of swine flu were first reported in Southern California and near San Antonio, Texas.
Swine Flu Spread To The US Because Many People From Mexico Had No Idea They Had Swine Flu And Came To The US Which Obviously Spread To Many Humans Which Spread Across The US :(
Swine flu is not spread by mosquitoes. See the related questions below for more information about how swine flu is spread.
During the 2009 swine flu H1N1 pandemic, the swine flu spread to all major cities in the US in every state as well as to all other nations in the world.
During the 2009 H1N1/09 swine flu pandemic, the viral infection spread to all parts of the world and in every state in the US. It was a true pandemic.
no because if you do not get something then you can't spread it think of a common cold if you don't have it then you don't spread it it will probably be the same for the swine flu
Yes, during the swine flu H1N1/09 pandemic, the virus spread to every state in the US and every nation in the world.
Yes, during the 2009 H1N1/09 swine flu pandemic it spread to every country in the world.
Yes, Swine Flu has spread throughout all of the UK.
Into the US, and then eventually to all points of the globe once the pandemic resulted.
Germs do breed faster in warmer climates. However, swine flu is just as likely to spread in summer as it is in winter.
So easy that you don't have to put in any effort
The 2009 Pandemic Flu "Swine Flu" A-H1N1/09 has spread in every state of the US and now to almost, if not all, countries of the world. For more information on the pandemic spread, see the related question "Which Cities States or Countries Have Deaths or Cases of Swine Flu- Current Situation". (Link is provided in the related question section below).
Swine flu cannot be spread by eating properly prepared pork.