The Europeans gave the Native Americans the deadly diseases. Since the Native Americans were not Immune to the diseases the died off. This caused the Europeans to need more Slaves. So They brought African slaves on a ship called the Middle passage creating the slave trade. They traded the slaves in Asia, Europe...Erect.
they could not work if they had disease
Increased the volume of trade in the Atlantic.
Increased the volume of trade in the Atlantic.
increasing the demand for goods
There are no similarities. The slave trade was a vile thing, but not a deadly disease like the plague or Black Death as it was called.
African merchants played a role in facilitating the Atlantic slave trade by capturing and selling individuals from rival ethnic groups to European slave traders in exchange for goods like firearms and textiles. This trade was often driven by intertribal conflict and the desire to gain power and resources.
Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.
Europeans came into contact with African slave traders while exploring the coast of Africa.
slave trade
Commerce and slave trade compromise
Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.
the slave trade was abolished in 1807.