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Cataracts are caused by a cloudy film forming in the lens of an eye. It reduces vision greatly, and can lead to blindness. If people cannot see well, they cannot drive to transport goods.

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They stopped watercraft passing.

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Q: How did cataracts affect the transportation of goods to Egypt?
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How did the cataracts affect the transportation of goods for the E gyptians?

The cataracts along the Nile River in ancient Egypt acted as natural barriers, making it difficult for boats to navigate smoothly. As a result, goods had to be unloaded and carried around the cataracts, adding time and effort to transportation. This limitation impacted trade routes and the efficiency of moving goods throughout Egypt.

How did cataracts affect the transportion of goods in ancient Egypt?

they made it easier

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they lived by the Nile river. The Nile River contained a lot of minerals used for building. It also provided a way for transportation of goods to flow to upper Egypt. Egypt also had a natural protection from invaders. The deserts and cataracts made it almost impossible to attack Egypt.

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The Nile cataracts were groups of rocky rapids that created natural barriers to trade and transportation along the Nile River. They made it difficult for boats to pass through, requiring goods to be transported overland, which slowed down travel and limited trade routes in ancient Egypt.

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Two factors that might affect the distribution of goods in a territory are transportation infrastructure and logistical capabilities. Efficient transportation networks and well-developed supply chain systems can help goods reach their destinations more quickly and cost-effectively. Additionally, factors like government regulations and political stability can also impact the distribution of goods by creating barriers or uncertainties in the movement of goods.