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Just deep enough to break the skin.

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Q: How deep must the bite be to contract Rabies?
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Related questions

How does rabies enter your body?

rabies..... most commonly transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. the actual virus itself must reach the neurons to work, for rabies affects the nervous system.

Can you be infected with rabies by kissing a dog?

It is possible, but not likely. If the dog has rabies, and you have cuts in your mouth, it could be possible to be infected.

What can you do if a raccoon bites your mom?

She must go to an emergency room or doctor's office to have the bite treated and, possibly, receive rabies vaccinations.

Can I get rabies from a squirrel that was in the tree above me and then jumped out right before I biked under it and then it ran away?

To get rabies fluids containing the virus must be transferred. This usually can only occur via a bite by the infected animal.

Can you die from being bit more than once by a raccoon with rabies?

it is very possible. there is no cure for rabies and you must treat it very early. rabies is very fatal and most people and animals die from it.

How is Rabies Cured?

Rabies cannot be cured. It may only be prevented via vaccinations. If a human is bitten by a suspected rabies animal, the vaccination must be administered within 2 hours of the bite so as to produce inhibitory antibodies against the rabies virus. But once a person is infected with rabies, they will be dead within 2 weeks. Rabies has a 100% death rate in non-vaccinated individuals unfortunately...

Why euthanize animals who are attacking people?

When an animal becomes a danger to humans, there is no choice but to kill it. Some animals that bite may have rabies. Animals with rabies absolutely must be killed, because they're dangerous; they can pass down the deadly disease onto us by just one bite. In my opinion, any dangerous animal should be euthanized.

How many days a man live after rabies is affected?

im no expert for rabies so DO NOT TAKE THIS EXTREMELY. After getting bite a grown dog, it will take 1~2 days(untill death). But dogs has a ver less chance of having rabies, so there is a great chance of that person not dying.

Can rabies be spread through air?

Few cases are on record. The cave explorers have got rabies, when they entered the South American caves, inhabited with millions of vampire bats. But this mode of transmission is questionable. As the vampire bats bite, there teeth are like hypodermic needles. So the person may not note the bite. secondly the caves are very dangerous and the explorers must be psychologically tense at times. They may not note the bite by the bats in such a situation.

How would a pioneer treat a rabies bite by wolf?

Bite by wolf should be taken very seriously. The wound is bound to be of serious nature. You clean the wound with betadine scrub. You may call help from your surgical colleague to stop the bleeding. Rabies immunoglobulin is must in this case, though it is expensive. Rabies vaccine two does to be given on day zero. The one dose on day 3, 7, 14, 28 and day 90. The last dose can not be omitted, when you give immunoglobuin.

Are all wild animals born with rabies?

No animal is born with rabies. First off, only mammals can get it. It must be transmitted from another animal, usually though a bite. An animal that gets infected can be expected to die within a few weeks of exposure unless it is vaccinated soon afterwards.

How do you get rid of the animals rabies?

There is no cure for rabies in an animal. The animal must be destroyed (killed).