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Q: How cure from sulfric acid burn?
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Is sulfric acid a weak acid?

No it's a very strong acid. Be careful when using it

Does Venus has sulfric acid or argon?

Yes, it does.

What is a planet with an atmosphere that rains sulfric acid?


What planets atmosphere rains sulfric acid?

saturn saturn

Aluminum react with sulfric acid and Which atom is oxidized?


Drops of nitric or sulfric acid fall to the ground as?

Dilute nitric and sulfuric acid fall to earth as acid rain.

What is the chemical formula for Sulfric Acid?

The chemical formuls for Sulfuric acid is H2SO4.

What kind of clouds does Venus have?

Venus has thick, pale, yellow clouds of carbon dioxide and sulfric acid.

How do you cure from sulfuric acid burn?

wash the affected area thoroughly with water and then go to doctor. immediately!

What alkali is in car batterys?

Automobile batteries contain a mixture of 65% distilled water and 35% Sulfric Acid.

What is a planet that is very hot and has sulfric acid in its clouds?

Venus is a planet that is very hot and has sulfuric acid in its clouds. The thick atmosphere on Venus creates a strong greenhouse effect, trapping heat and leading to surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. The clouds on Venus are composed of sulfuric acid droplets.

Is sulfric acid aelement compound or mixture?

Sulfuric acid, with the chemical formula H2SO4, is a compound composed of sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. It is not an element or a mixture.