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The spine is the largest nerve in the human body. You may experience different complications if you injure it. You may experience weakness, pain, respiratory complications, loss of excretory control, and tetraplegia. If you experience any other these you should contact a physician right away.

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Q: How could someone tell if they damaged their spinal nerves?
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Could a back injury cause infertility problems in a man if it has damaged the nerves in the spine?

No as the nerves in the spine have not link to sperm production. It may how ever cause impotence as the nerves in the coccyx link to the nerves in your penis and if damaged and take away your ability to have an erection

Does neck nerve impingement cause numbness in hands?

Yes, even in the hand nerve damage could cause numbness. When nerves get damaged, they die, thus leaving no feeling in the part of body that they reside.Ê

Where does enlargements of the spinal cord occur?

Enlargement of the spinal cord can occur at any point along the spinal cord. Where depends upon the cause. These causes could be bacterial infection, structural changes in the vertebrae or a tumour. Less likely causes could be genetic birht defects.

What would happen if nerves stopped working?

If your nerves stopped working you could not move, because your spinal cord helps your body to move even in the the smallest parts of your body.

Which is worse - the pain of labor or the pain of a fractured spine?

It depends... First of all, labor pain is no joke, but the body has natural endogenous analgesic mechanisms that are especially useful after the birthing process, not the least of which is the cognitive awareness that you're through the woods. A fractured spine could be extremely painful or actually relatively painless. If, by fracturing the spine, you've also severed the spinal cord, then you have cut off ability to feel pain from that point up, as well as move anything from that point down the cord. If you have only partially damaged the spinal cord, then it would depend on which part of the cord has been damaged. If, however, you have not damaged the nociceptive (pain receptive) areas of the spinal cord or the nerves entering the spinal cord at that point in your spine, the inflammation from the injury would lead to extreme pain that would get even worse if any of those entering nerves are pinched by bone. So in the latter case, I would say the answer is a resounding: "fractured spine".

What is the back bone made out of?

Your backbone protects your spinal chord, which allows for most of the exchange of information from the nervous system to the brain or vice versa. If you did not have a backbone, your spinal chord would be easily damaged which, if damaged in the right spot, could cause full-body paralysis.

What is the peripheral nervous system?

It includes nerves arising from brain and spinal cord innervating different parts of the body respectively called as, cranial and spinal nerves. Comprises of all nerves which connect the central nervous system with receptors and effectors. Nerves connecting the receptor organs to the CNS are called sensoryor afferent nerves; they contain sensory fibres only. Nerves connecting the effector organs (muscles and glands) to CNS are motor or efferent nerves; they contain motor fibres only.A third type of nerve, the mixed nerves have both sensory and motor nerve fibres. Nerves connected to brain are called cranial nerves while those connected to spinal cord are spinal nerves. On the basis of presence and absence of myelin sheath around the axons the nerve fibres are myelinated or nonmylinated, respectively.• Each nerve is composed of many nerve fibers enclosed within a connective tissue sheath. A nerv fiber is along axon or dendrite of a neuron, which could be either sensory or motor or both. The periphery of something is its edge, or outside parts.Thus that part of the nervous system which is not designated the Central Nervous System (the brain, spinal chord and retina) would be regarded as the peripheral nervous system. It consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia, and nerves connecting them to each other and to the central nervous system.

What is impingement of the right ventral hemicord?

The spinal cord is broken into a front (ventral) and back (dorsal). A hemicord impingement means that there is some kind of structure encroaching on half of the spinal cord. In this case, it seems like the right half of the cord is being damaged, more so near the front. A problem with the right half of the cord could leave someone with a lack of proprioception and motor control on the right, below the damaged area, and a lack of pain and temperature on the left, below the damaged area. Thomas A. Bea

When the disc is properly positioned are the spinal cord or peripheral nerves impaired in any way?

no they aren't impairedThis sounds almost like a trick question from a diagnostic standpoint.If the fibrous disc material, called the annulus fibrosus, that is located between two spinal bones, called vertebrae, are normal and healthy then there is little reason to think that the disc tissue it self could compromise or impair the nearby spinal cord or roots of the spinal nerves. Meaning that if the disc tissue is normal and healthy then by itself it would not likely pose a problem to the nearby nerve tissue.However, there is more that could potentially harm or impair the spinal cord or nerve roots than just the spinal disc.A few things that might pose a risk to the spinal cord and nerve roots other than a bulged or herniated disc:Spinal stenosisSpinal arthritisSpinal dysarticulation or subluxationSpinal fractureSpinal traumaFacet hypertrophyMuscle spasmCongenital anamoly

What it could be when your back pain goes to your legs?

I have that. My problem is compression of the Lumbar vertebrae (L-4 and L-5 )compressing the nerves. It is called Spinal Stenosis. Google it and see if it fits

What does the idiom bundle of nerves mean?

The idiom "bundle of nerves" means that someone is very nervous or anxious. It describes a person who is feeling very tense or agitated.

Why a man with a damaged spinal card may not be able to feel someone touching his toe?

No you can not feel your toe. I am a paraplegic and my spinal cord has been severed with my Thoracic 4, 5 & 6 vertebra were shattered in a car crash. (I am a T-4 Para) I can't feel my toes, or my feet or anything below my chest. Even though I still have 3% of the nerves connected I do not have sensation. I used to have phantom sensnsation thinking could feel my toes, but when I close my eyes I couldn't tell when someone touched my feet. The Autonomic nervous system which controls breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, & blinking and other reflexes is still connected. It's you "Auto" matic nerves. A condition known as autonomic dysreflexia can cause problems if the spinal cord is severed above T-3. I can even cause a severse stroke as your blood pressure can rise out of control if you bend your leg in an awkward position, get an infection or caused by other continuos pain.