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Q: How contagious is herpes while scabbing?
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Is skin boil like herpes?

No. Herpes are caused by a virus which is contagious. Boils are caused by other germs, and they are not contagious.

Is herpes simplex type 1 contagious?

Yes. It is the virus that causes cold sores on the lips or mouth and genital herpes.

Is herpes a communicable disease?

hiherpes is contagious and mainly spread from sexual contact .it is very difficult to treatacyclovir is the drug of choiceYesYes, Herpes is extremely contagious if a person is already infected by the diseaseYes, extremely contagious once your partner or previous partners have been infected by it. Treatments are common and available in most developed countries, check with your treating physician and/or local hospital's emergency roomyesYes; herpes is one of the most contagious STDs.

Will you have a sore throat with herpes?

Nope, herpes and strep are not the same thing. Strep is caused by bacteria, herpes is caused by a virus. But you shouldn't be kissing some one that has strep throat, it is contagious.

Is encephalitis a communicable disease?

Encephalitis can be caused by a number of organisms, including the herpes virus and while the condition itself isn't contagious, the causative organism may be. The word "infectious" is misleading.

Are cold sores contagious rights after you get them like say I was infected then 2 days later kissed my girlfriend could she get cold sores?

Yes, they are very contagious, cold sores are a form of herpes as well so under no circumstances should you perform any sexual activity using your mouth or there is a very good chance you will get genital herpes. Cold sores are usually Herpes simplex virus1 (predominantly orofacial), it is spread through close contact with the area of infection, Most people that have Herpes simplex virus 1 have it as a result of their parents passing it to them with close contact touching or kissing. this virus is always contagious but is particularly contagious when active, HSV2 which is also known as genital herpes Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly genital), as well as other herpes simplex infections are spread through close contact and can be infectious at any time especially when active.

Could you give your son herpes from feeding him food from your mouth?

Yes, it is highly probable. Herpes is contagious and any skin on skin or fluid contact will contract the disease.

What does it mean when you haveblisters on your vagina?

You need to see your doctor. You may have herpes and it is very contagious to your sexual partner.

What disease does the dad get in dear john?

The dieSease that he had was herpes a very contagious symptom caused by your synaPse

Is Epstein-Barr virus contagious?

It is difficult to proclaim, without reliable scientific evidence from validated sources, that Epstein-Barr is a virus of the Herpes family. Nevertheless all the websites, like Dr. Oz or Health Central, who offer information about this virus mention the fact it is indeed a virus of the Herpes family. This virus is also described as very contagious, but not because it is virus of the Herpes family.

Are genetic disease contagious?

Genetic diseases are not contagious. But few contagious diseases give rise to genetic diseases in first trimester of pregnancy.. For example rubella infection, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia and herpes virus infection.

Can you sleep in the same bed with someone who has shingles?

It is not recommended to sleep in the same bed with someone who has shingles, especially if you have never had chickenpox. Shingles is contagious and can be spread through direct contact with the rash. It is best to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.