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Q: How come people rarely use their mouth to breath?
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How dolphins breath?

dolphins breath throuth there blow hole and they also breath throught their mouth when they come up from water hope i answered youre question

How do you make solid breath come out of your mouth i have tried some of the methods but i still cant get it right...does anyone have a detailed explanation?

the trick is you cant breath at all first hold your breath, then click your tongue about 10 times, still hold your breath then create pressure by putting your hand over your mouth and blowing but still don't let any air out then when you did all this remove your hand then open your mouth slowly and whisper ah

How do you become a catwoman?

Gotta be hot like Hale Berry, almost die, and then have a magic cat come along and breath into your mouth.

Why does your breath smell like metal?

"Metal mouth" can come from several sources, but the most common is from eating underarm deodorant. The aluminum in the deodorant reacts with bacteria in the mouth to yield the smell.

Bad Breath May Not Just be in Your Mouth?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in your mouth, esophagus or stomach. If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, bacteria build up between the teeth. This bacteria causes the smell, and brushing and mouthwash will just cover it up. See your dentist for a professional cleaning to remove the bacteria colonies. Bad breath can also come from your stomach. Your doctor can give you more advice for eliminating this type of bad breath.

How does milk come out your nose?

Well, your nose and mouth share the same throat. So, when you laugh or something, the pressure causes the milk to go out your nose. This will happen with any drink. It usually comes out when you laugh or can't breath So when you laugh or breath you use your mouth, but when you can't use your mouth because the milk in there, the only other opinion is your nose. The nose is then used to get the milk out of there so you can breath again

What comes out of your mouth that starts with a v?

Vulgar words come out of the mouth of some people. It begins with the letter V.

How do you talk to old people?

By opening your mouth and having words come out

Where does water vapor come from in your mouth?

Water vapor in your mouth comes from the moisture in your breath. As you exhale, water from the mucus lining in your respiratory system evaporates into the air, creating water vapor. Additionally, any liquid water in your mouth may also evaporate into water vapor.

When you drown why does foam come out of the mouth?

The foam occurs when the victim was attempting to breathe in the water. The violent gasping for breath mixes water and air enough to cause froth that builds up in the lungs and trachea, eventually leaking out the mouth.

How do you breathe right in choir?

Well, the trick is to breath mostly through you nose. If you're breathing through your mouth you beautiful voice won't come out while you trying to sing!

Can I kiss him if he doesn't have HIV but I have a sore I am my mouth?

come on people be reasonable. You wont get HIV