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Q: How can your family feel if you commit suicide?
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Why did woodie commit suicide?

Woodie did not leave a suicide note after he killed himself. His friends and family has said he suffered from depression after his wife died in an automobile accident.

Why would there be a higher rate of suicide in times of peace than in times of war?

When the war is ended, soldiers come back to their families. Some feel really guilty and go slightly mad from the experience, then commit suicide. Also, some people whose family members have died in the war commit suicide.

Is suicide really the answer?

No. It shouldn't be and doesn't have to be. You can overcome your struggles. Seek counselling and help if you feel you are going to commit suicide.

Where one could commit suicide best?

When it comes to your friends and family, there is no best way to commit suicide. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please contact 1-800-273-8255 to talk to someone who can help.

What does it mean to assist suicide?

it means you helped the person get the tools to commit suicide convinced them to commit suicide or gave them reason to commit suicide

How do you know when you are truly happy?

you dont feel sad. and you dont want to commit suicide

How can you kill yourself and not feel bad?

You have no emotions after death. That's why people commit suicide.

Do the people who bully others commit suicide?

Very rarely do they ever feel guilty over bullying to commit suicide. Usually, the worst of the bullies never feel that level of remorse. They feel they were justified or that they were helping to further evolution. But then again, sometimes bullies are victims of abuse or bullying too, or they may have other problems such as substance abuse, so they might commit suicide. Bullying might be like a pain reliever for them, though not an effective one, so maybe it is possible to bully others and then also commit suicide.

What did hitler do at the end of the war?

Commit suicide

What do you do when you want to commit suicide but you just can't bring yourself to it?

It's a good thing you can't bring yourself to do it. You can overcome the feelings of wanting to commit suicide with some help. Seek counseling, talk to a suicide hotline if you feel you are going to try to kill yourself, talk to your family and friends, and treat your depression with the help of a doctor are all things you should do.

Which of these is correct commit a suicide or commit suicide and why?

It would be "commit suicide", because you do it to yourself, and can only do it (right) once. To "commit a suicide" would imply multiple are possible, which is not true, using the indefinite article, "a".

Did Oedipus commit suicide?

No does not suicide he blind himself .. Jocasta who commit suicide by his own hands