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Most alcoholics are self-centered to a noticeable degree. Emotional disorders should only be diagnosed after the person is free of drugs. Until the brain chemistry is somewhat normalized, accurate diagnosis is impossible, and it is only possible to treat the observed symptoms, which are likely to be inaccurate.

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15y ago

"Alcoholic" has to be clearly defined to answer that question. To most people, an alcoholic is anybody who just cant stop drinking when they want to despite problems that it is causing to their life and their health.

So then, an alcoholic would be somebody who cant stop drinking even though they should or need to.

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11y ago

some are but there is no connection between the 2 that I know of

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Q: How can you tell whether someone is just alcoholic or whether they are also a narcissist?
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If someone chooses to be an alcoholic forever, they'll die of liver cancer.Not necessarily cancer but definitely liver disease such as liver cirrhosis. Long-term over use of alcohol can also cause pancreatitis.

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Why would you WANT to? If someone is that self-centered and you want to put up with it it's either a reflection of who you are or the person did a good snow-job on you at the beginning. A true narcissist? If so you can't. Narcissists like to ruin peoples lives. If you live with a true narcissist, one of you will die. If they're just someone who thinks they're usually right until they're porven wrong but is also someone who you can talk deeply to and know you can trust most of the time, it could work. If they're a true narcissist and always thinks that they're right and the whole world should listen to them and be exactly like them, then forget about them.

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Gravy. Can also refer to alcohol, i.e., "The alcoholic was into the sauce again." It can also refer to someone who is disobedient and is giving sauce back to their parent.

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Someone looking to find information on alcoholic treatment centers might ask advice from a doctor or therapist. One may also find information on websites about treatment centers and their available programs.

You have heard that a narcissist cannot love is this true?

No. Maybe he can't love others, but he is in love. With himself.He may also be able to love someone who loves him,though it won't be a sacrificial sort of love.

If you have heard that a narcissist cannot love is this true?

No. Maybe he can't love others, but he is in love. With himself.He may also be able to love someone who loves him,though it won't be a sacrificial sort of love.

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I don't believe narcissist were abused But rather indulged?

My departed husband was a narcissist. His father was narcissistic as well, a verbally and physically abusive alcoholic. I believe that the narcissistic role model and abuse contributed to my husband's being a narcissist. I think that some narcissistic people were not abused but indulged, told that they were special and different...a sense of entitlement. My mother was also a narcissist, and her mother was non functioning so Mom was neglected, a different type of abuse. They rob your soul if you let them. Often people who are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs tend to be narcisstic. I attend Al-Anon and now have a joy and peace I never knew before, understanding this complicated personality, and how to not be involved for you cannot change another person. Learn why you are with such complicated people to begin with!

Was Graham Chapman an alcoholic?

Yes Graham Chapman was an alcoholic and he was also a homosexual and died from a rare spine cancer =(