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i asked this question and i know now:

  • chickenpox only happens once; boils can happen a lot of times
  • boils grow in size; chickenpox grows too but not in size it increases numbers
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10y ago

Chickenpox is distributed throughout the body. Typically, shingles is found in a single area and, in its most classic presentation, it doesn't cross the midline (that is, it isn't found on both the left and right sides of the body).

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Q: How can you tell the difference between chickenpox and shingles?
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You get Shingles from the virus Herpes Zoster. After one is exposed to and has chickenpox, this virus stays in the system and is sometimes re-activated as the Shingles.Shingles are the adult form of chickenpox. They are very dangerous for adults. The form along the spinal column.You get an attack of chicken pox. After this attack, the virus remain hidden in posterior root ganglion of your nervous system. How does it evades the immunity is not known till date. When ever your body immunity becomes low, the viruses come out and the vesicles erupt along the distribution of the sensory nerve fibres.You probably had chickenpox when you were young, and something caused that virus to become active, which is shingles.

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Anyone who has had chickenpox may get shingles later in life. However, the FDA recently approved a vaccine, known as Zostavax, that may effect in health badly.

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There is no way to tell who gave you chickenpox.

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That rather depends. If you've already had Chicken Pox, you're already immunised from shingles. Chicken-Pox & shingles are both caused by the same virus. If you've already had chicken-pox as a youngster, your body is already immune from catching shingles. If not - then just make an appointment with your doctor to have the vaccination.

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