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unhealthy hair will be easily pluckable, it will be brittle. normally in humans hair undergoes a regular cycle of growth, in which 10% hair is in a resting state and 90% in a growing state. and hair shed normally. if the shedding of hair is in a increased rate it is an impression of impending baldness. and if the shedding is from a particular area only it also noted , it may be due to alopecia.

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Q: How can you tell if your hair is unhealthy?
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It depends on your hair, if it is used to it or not, but it could make the hair unhealthy if you use it a lot of times (that might sound wrong but hair can get unhealthy) but overall I don't think so.

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Trimming your hair often prevents split ends which are unhealthy for you hair.

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No, It just makes your hair unhealthy over time.

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Some professionals state that chemically straightened hair is unhealthy because all the chemicals that are usually used to do such a procedure on the hair can harm it more than it benefits it.

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I have washed my hair at least once a day (often twice) for the past 50 years with no issues. My hair is fine. Ignore the people that tell you differently.

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Unhealthy... no. It can however pull natural oils from your hair that are desired in nourished and healthy looking hair. If you shampoo daily, you should also condition daily to avoid a dry damaged looking head of hair. So: this is perfectly healthy!

Can you have your hair died at the age of 9?

No,that is very unhealthy,for such a young age.

How often do you apply hair lotion?

Everyday but I wash my hair once a week do my scalp doesn't get clogged up and not grow and have unhealthy hair

Does straightening hair slow hair growth?

No, it doesn't, but if you do straighten your hair a lot it can cause lots of split ends, and that makes your hair really unhealthy, and that can slow your hair growth.

Why do you have to cut your hair?

Because if you don't you will get split ends, and it will be hard to manage your hair. It will also look and feel unhealthy.