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it'll hurt ALOT!

Answerknee will give way, lock up, and swell with and sometimes without pain. Need MRI to be sure. Does your kneecap move out of place? Could be an ACL or torn meniscus.

A torn meniscus usually needs to be repaired via keyhole surgery, a somewhat minor surgery but recovery and return to full fitness & mental strength can take a few years.

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13y ago
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15y ago

If you have any knee problems you should go and see a doctor. An unqualified person would not be able to tell. The doctors might not even be 100% sure, so the best thing would be to get an MRI or some other type of scan. Iv torn my acl so i will tell you what happens to my knee. Usually i have to be very careful because my knee will keep giving way easily which causes A LOT of pain. It then swells up a few minutes later and i am unable to walk on it properly. I find bending my knee quite uncomfortable. I am unable to participate in sports because i cannot run or even catch balls as this makes my knee go.

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13y ago

pain, inflammation/swelling, heard a pop when you think you injured it.....

and depends on where the most pain is, right after the pain is caused by pressure, but you should be able to describe where the pain is mostly....MCL on the inside (medial) of your knee (groin side), LCL unlikely but on the outside (lateral) of knee.

To test for ACL, lay on your back, put leg in air, have someone gently pull towards them the lower part of your leg, if there is much give, which should be easy to notice, that's your ACL not doing its job, hence torn,

other ligaments are a little trickier to test for.... goodluck

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15y ago

It would be very painful, to walk if it was in your leg.

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13y ago

It aches a lot and the muscle become weak.

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13y ago

get an mri

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