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Well I would have started with reading the written aftercare instructions you were provided with by your professional body piercer. It should outline any possible issues and what to do in the event of thereoccurrence. Your piercer should have covered swelling in his/her aftercare speech and what to do to avoid this from happening.

Now the reason I am going into this is so other readers will know what to look for when they are selecting a piercer and considering a piercing. If this wasn't covered by your piercer or discussed in detail, you didn't find a professional body piercer. For that I am sorry. Now to fix your problem, ibuprofen Advil or Midol will help to ease swelling, ice chips or crushed ice can also be used to ease swelling. The piercing needs to be flushed daily with running water (the shower is the best place for this) while moving the jewellery back and forth under the water stream. This will flush discharge matter out of the piercing and ease swelling.

The simple cleaning using diluted and lathered antibacterial liquid soap like Soft Soap washing the outside of the piercing then flushing with plenty of running water will help speed the healing and keep the swelling down. No other products or solutions are needed to clean and heal the piercing (soap and water and leave it alone). If the swelling has become bad enough that the jewellery is pulling inside the tissue you need to get a longer stud put in and resume the cleaning as outlined above.

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15y ago
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17y ago

Removing a monroe can be a little tricky, I’ve had some funny experiences trying to remove mine at times! I usually place my thumb and index finger on the ball and then slip my other thumb and index finger inside my mouth and place them on the back of the disc. I then turn each side in opposite directions and can usually undo it. However, if it has been done up too tightly you may need to seek assistance. In this case, I recommend going to a piercing parlour and ask for help there. They will usually do it without any charge!

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14y ago

With any piercings I have had, I use sea salt to get rid of the infections. My belly button ring and nose ring had gotten pretty infected, and this seemed to work. You can buy sea salt at pretty much any grocery store, and its not expensive at all... Good luck with that!!

But you have to make sure the sea salt is non-iodized sea salt. Iodized sea salt may have other added chemicals or materials that may be harmful to an open wound.

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15y ago

ok, when your monroe is infected, you need to make sure and keep it clean! clean it with liquid antibacterial soap once a day. if you have bad swelling ice it. the ice will make it not hurt so bad, and if the ball is impeded into your lip, it will help kinda getting it you. yes...the pus is normal, dont freak out, its your body's way of fighting off infection. hope this helps :)

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16y ago

Lumps or bumps both inside or outside of the upper lip
Any pus, fluids or crusts that appear after the first month or so (They are relatively normal during the beginning of the healing process)

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14y ago

you need to wash it with antibactiral non-cented soap twice a day and swish with salt water once a day. after a month you make take out your peorcing to clean it :) trynot to twist touch or play with it

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11y ago

I'm not a piercer or a wiz on this kind of stuff, ButI've had more than a few lip piercings in my day. Number one rule. WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE TOUCHING IT. I cannot stress that enough. Dont play with it with your tongue, and use a saline soak once a week. That's what I did, and I work at Mcdonalds, so I had to heal it up quick. Btw, I'm only 17. ah.

But yeah, do that and you should be good

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15y ago

need a bit more info...keep the jewellery in and wash it with salt water only!

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Q: How can you tell if a Monroe piercing is infected?
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What should you do if you think your monroe piercing is infected?

Visit a professional piercer to have them check it out.

Is my Monroe piercing infected Hilarious story as to why I think it is?

It mite be I don't know ha lol :)

What kind of piercing is a Monroe piercing?

A Monroe piercing is a piercing on the left upper lip. It's called the Monroe piercing due to Marilyn Monroe's mole piercing. Many people now has this piercing which was started by the celebrity herself.

What happens if you pierce your monroe by yourself and your lip got big?

Well you botched the piercing and it is in the early stages of becoming infected.

How do you know if your monroe is infected?

If its been red,itchy and swollen for more than 2 weeks, if theres yellow/green drainage from the piercing.

Can monroe piercing get infected?

Any piercing can become infected, there is no force field protecting a specific piercing from infection. Only proper daily aftercare cleaning will ensure the piercing will stay health and clean. Even if it's just moving the jewellery under running water daily during your shower, even this will ensure the piercing stays fairly clean.

Where do you go to get a Monroe Piercing?

Any legitimate piercing shop should offer monroe piercings. Monroe piercings are considered a lip piercing and range in pricing from $30-$80.

How do you know if your new piercing is infected?

The best way to know if your new piercing is infected is by the visual appearance. If the piercing is red or inflamed, it may be infected. It also may be hot to the touch.

How can you tell if your ear piercing os infected my ear has been hurting lately and it keeps bleading and it hurts to put it back it Is it infected?

The area around an infected piercing may be swollen, reddish, sore to the touch, discharge puss or accumulate crust which returns after being removed.

Can my belly piercing get infected when i smoke?

if u smoke and you have a piercing it can get infected take it from me.. so dont smoke.

How old do you have to be to get a Monroe piercing?

i think age requirements depend on where you live but where I'm from you have to be 16+ to get a monroe piercing without an adult.

What if you removed your piercing from a infected lip?

NEVER take out your piercing if it is infected. Doing so can cause an abscess. The piercing will close and trap the infection inside