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Due to the complexicity of the brain and memories, there has been no way to do this yet. However, many scientist have been working on it. The ability to remove or modify memories could give immediate help to people who suffer from post tramatic stress disorder, drug users, or victims of violent crimes. One of the many issues (besides not totally understanding how memories work) is that specific memories cannot be targeted for immediate removal.

There are reports that there are medications to help remove the memories associated with meth addiction, but it has only been tested in rats and mice. It is impossible to know if the memory itself has been removed, or just the triggers for the addiction.

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Q: How can you stop intrusive memories immediately and forever?
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You don't need secret or difficult things! You need a way to redirect your thoughts.Here are some good techniques:Recognize that inappropriate thoughts are things that all people have sometimes - stop beating yourself up for having themFocus on what you are doing - the more you concentrate, the fewer intrusive thoughts will occurWhen you have an unwanted thought, think STOP and immediately think of something more appropriate - you will have to concentrate on this at first, but it will soon become a good habitSee a psychiatrist for help - there are several easily-treated mental disorders that can cause this problem, and it's better to treat the cause if you can do this

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I do not understand your idea that fear would stop intrusive thoughts. The only way I ever found that works for me is avoiding/minimizing stress, but thats not always possible. Perhaps you have another psychiatric/psychological issue that causes them, in which case you should consult a professional to get it properly diagnosed and treated.

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-No. Get on with your life and eventually you'll get over it. -Some people eventually get over it, while others have the memories and feelings of their true love in their hearts forever.

You are in your period time how can you stop it immediately?

you can't stop it.

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It might seem like suicide is the only way to stop intrusive thoughts and memories. Life does have a way of making it seem like some things just cannot be dealt with constructively, BUT suicide is NOT the only way to stop those thoughts and memories. There are actually some very constructive ways to stop them, but that does not mean that they will completely stop right away. It may take effort and diligence on your part. One way people deal with things like that is to consciously set their minds to think about postive things when those thoughts come to their minds. They may even say out loud for the negatve thoughts to leave and then speak out positive thoughts. If you are on medication, especially medicine for mental issues, you may want to talk to your doctor about what the side effects of the medication are. It could be that it is actually having an effect on you having intrusive thoughts. If so, your doctor may be able to change your medication. Since memores are involved, it sounds like something very hurtful has happened to you. Though it is really difficult, forgiving the person who hurt you can help in releving the memores. Or it may be that you have done something that you are very ashamed of. If so, forgiving yourself is something that may help. Victory over those thoughts and memories may not come overnight, but it can come!

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space expands forever, it has no end.

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The continuous going water cycle prevent the rain to stop forever. It is an on going process.

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No, you can stop taking cymbals and immediately start taking pritstiq.