Obviously there is no 100% guaranteed method to preventing baldness. Family history/genetics/gender etc... will determine how likely it is that you will eventually go bald. However, I have heard that scalp massage actually helps to prevent baldness (assuming that it can be prevented at all in your case, or any given case of potential baldness). Scalp massage helps to increase circulation in the scalp, allowing for better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp tissue and the hair follicles for a healthier scalp and healthier hair. This makes sense considering that one of the documented benefits of massage in any part of the body is increased circulation, which is generally good in general for those reasons listed above. I'm not bald, and don't have a history of baldness in my family that I know of, but I am getting a little thin up there as time goes on, and I'm not taking any chances. I massage my scalp whenever I get a chance/remember to do it. Massage your scalp with olive oil and lemon mix. It helps a lot in preventing baldness. Avoid drinking tea, coffee, alcohol. Drink more water. Be tension free. Stress is also the cause to get baldness. For more tips click on the link "<a href="http://www.newrootshairtransplant.com/Hair-Transplant-Clinic-in-Jalgaon-Beed-&-Nandurbar.html">Tips to prevent baldness</a>".
you can't have bald hair but,there is no way of stopping going bald if your fore fathers have themselves gone bald,usually it only requires just your fathers farther to be bald then you will possibly go bald also. there is no reason to worry about this as there are a lot more people who actually shave their hair than those who try to Hilde there hair loss.The best advise is that all the best lovers in history went bald naturally or shaved their heads to be like the 'baldies than you can count easily.
1.Saw Palmetto: This herb is sometimes used to treat enlargement of the prostate. This is because Saw Palmetto blocks the production of DHT (a metabolite of testosterone) hairstyles, a contributing factor to enlarging of the prostate. Because DHT production also causes hair loss, Saw Palmetto has been shown in some small studies to be effective for preventing hair loss in some men. It was first used
2.Nettle root: Those little plants with the big sting are good for something after all hairstyles. Nettle root is another treatment which blocks the production of chemicals which enlarge the prostate.
3.They are the same ones that can cause hair loss hairstyles. Evidence suggests that nettle root may not only stave off baldness, but may actually regenerate hair growth.
4.Vitamins: Your mother told you they were good for you, but you may not know they're good for your hair hairstyles too. Vitamin A is an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp.
5.Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation.
6.In addition to these ingredients, which help stop hair loss naturally, massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage.
7.Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three).( but if your head gets wet you will be able to smell it )
8.Try rubbing your hair with rangoli henna.
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You eat healthy foods and make sure you don't get stressed a lot.
Losing hair can be a distressing experience. The good news is that preventing baldness can be achieved through using some herbal products like "Hair Again" its effective and no side effect.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that rubbing alcohol mixed with cayenne pepper can prevent baldness. It is best to consult a healthcare professional for approved methods and treatments to address hair loss concerns.
The gene for baldness is inherited from the mother .
Alopecia is the medical root word for baldness. Baldness refers to the condition of having no hair on top of the head.
Baldness can be treated by taking medication such as Propecia or Regaine or scalp surgery. Wearing a wig is also an option for treating baldness that does not involve medicine or surgery.Depending on the cause of a person's baldness, it can be treated with products such as Minoxidil and ketoconazole.
Baldness is loss of hair in the frontal head. This does not occur all of a sudden.
Being bald means that you have no hair on your head.
I don't think so. But maybe you have family history of baldness
There have been many claims that male pattern baldness is reversal.
Male baldness can sometimes be related to your genes and sex hormones. Other factors that could trigger baldness could also be medications taken such as chemotherapy.
Since one type of baldness, male pattern baldness, is present in almost half of males (according to Wikipedia), there are many studies currently in production. There are also studies looking for cures for other causes of baldness and loss of hair.