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I have recently found out that my life has been influenced over a few years by a family member who is very clever and gets her friends to manipulate and spy on me etc as I refuse to interact directly with her unless she gets professional help. I find it very difficult to ignore all the strands of her manipulation as they have effect on me day to day. The yawn and complete disinterest in anyone or thing I think is connected with this manipulation seems best way forward. Although this causes even more stress sometimes as when I ignore her or her mates they have on occassion gone and spread lies that I am angry with them and they are victims. This gains them sympathy and makes me look like I am a loony.Still I persevere as the only other alternative is to move a long way away. Seems you cant win with a narc. Mine is on a very high level and is very intelligent and able to read the people she can manipulate. Don't give up though. Have strength as eventually they will self destruct. ANSWER I know it sounds cheesy, but karma will come back me. Unfortunately though, like me, it may be when you are done and over stressing over your doesnt come instantly like I wish it did... I have known and been manipulated by several narcissists. It's alarming how many are in circulation today. One thing that can work, if you can pull it off, is to hit their true weak spot. They are not as great as they believe. If you can show rationally, systematically and calmly that their greatest achievement or characteristic is really banal, it takes them down a notch, at least in the eyes of people they are snowing. Is it worth doing? Depends on your situation; often the narc is your boss! After much reading on the subject, I believe the best protection from a narcissist is distance.

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16y ago

If you play games with the narcissist YOU WILL LOSE. They do not play by the same rules as a decent human beings because they do not have empathy and lack conscience which means they will stoop much, much lower than you ever could or would. They think that because they are like that, that everyone else is the same as them and if they sense a game is being played, they in an attempt to win will attack first and project themselves on to you, accuse you of being mentally ill, psychopathic/sociopathic, a patholigical liar, and even dangerous to be around. They will do this to friends and anyone who cares to listen and destroy your good name and character, harass and stalk, and the more you fight, the bigger the game becomes and the more you have to lose leaving you a blubbering mess. They are predators and you are prey. By the time they have finished with you will feel that mentally ill person they accuse you of being and they will gloat smugly over your carcass before moving on to the next victim. Distance yourself from them as quickly as possible.

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