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You can not. Bupremorphine ( which is the active ingredient in suboxone) docks with and completely saturates your opiate receptors and prevents any other opiates from having any effect on your opiate receptors. So taking opiates on top of suboxone is useless and a waste of money not to mention that it will make your VERY sick.

Edit:Taking opiates on top of suboxone does not get you sick. I've done it before and felt fine. It's only if you take opiates first, then take suboxone.

Try taking methadone on top of suboxone, then tell me how you are feeling. I agree that if you take suboxone and then take a lortab or two will probably not make you sick, but you take enough to get real high or take suboxone and then a couple of hours later shoot H than I assure you will get sick, it also varies with different body chemistries. What might not make you sick could send someone else to the ER. I have friends that have went to ER from taking suboxone to soon after doing opiates cause they were in such bad withdrawals. Bottom line it is so stupid to mix any opiate, no matter the order of it, with suboxone because the Bupremorphine prevents you being able to feel it at all. Why not just wait and then you won't risk getting sick?

Edit: Suboxone actually consists of Buprenorphine Hydrochloride with Naloxone. What the others say above about the Buprenorphine is true to a point, what they fail to mention is it is the Naloxone that will make you sick. Naloxone is put in Suboxone as a way to prevent the addicts that they treat it with from abusing it. Naloxone is what will make you sick, as it provides a "ceiling effect", where you can only feel so good. So unfortunately you cannot override suboxone unless you are in the E.R. and need to be shot up with Narcan (Narcan stops all narcotic substance within minutes) for matter of life and death. By the way if that happens, you will instantly go into withdrawals. Best way to get off is to taper (ween) off the pills, 2 a day for a week or month, then 1 1/2, then 1, etc...

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