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There isn't something u can take to just make ur period happen. It happens naturally when a girl is ready and fully gone through her hormones. If u want ur period u shouldn't. They r a pain in the butt (not meant iterally) and very uncomfortable.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 19y ago

if you are on Birth Control, take it as directed, and things should fall into place. if not, take a trip to the dr, and there they will do a pregnancy test, and if need be, give you a dose of provera to jump start things. other than that, you can't just will your period to start, trust me. don't stress over it, as that can cause it to be late(r). good luck!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

There is nothing you can do to make your first period start. It will happen when it happens.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You can't!! You can look for sign of cramps headaches and dishcharge

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Q: How can you make your first period start?
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How do you make your first period start?

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You can start conceiving from your first period.

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You start counting on the first day of your period.

Is there a way for your period to start faster?

No, there is no way for you to make your period start faster. Your period starts exactly when it is supposed to, you can't make your cycle speed-up or skipn phases of your cycle in order to make your period start sooner.

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You may not have your period every month when you first start. This is because your periods will be irregular.

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Yes, detox my period always longer. First, I start spotting for many days, then I start bleeding normally.

If youre skinny before you have your first Period will you get fat after your first Period?

No, you won't get fat, but there's a chance you may get bloated, but that is not permanent. Plus, once you start your period then your hips will begin to fill out, but that should not make you look fatter.

Can you Start birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes; if you start birth control on the first day of your period, you'll have immediate protection.

If you were instructed to start taking birth control the first Sunday after the start of your next period and your period started on Monday when should you start the birth control?

The next Sunday. __________________________ With Sunday start, you're supposed to start on the Sunday of getting your period, or the following Sunday. For example: You start your period on Sunday : START YOUR BC. You start your period Wednesday... WAIT TIL SUNDAY TO START. **make sure to read the inserts that come with your birth control, or go to the manufacturers website, the information is there for a reason!

When should you start your birth control pills the first Sunday after you start your period or the first Sunday after you finish?

Check the package for specific information, but generally the pill should be started on the first Sunday after you START your period.

Is my doctor going to put me on birth control to make me start my period because im 13 and have growth hormone deficincy and can the pill make me start my period or what so help?

Yea the pill will make u get your period