well if your appendix hurts, you should get it taken out. There are a few reasons it hurts one of them being to many toxins in there. In order to make it stop you HAVE to get it out, also making a possibility of you dieing.
See a doctor
It depends what you did before it started hurting there's medicine you can buy
probably something that has to do with the vitiams and meniarls in it
T o make it stop hurting.
Closest I could find is this: Bill make(s) remarks like: When does the Hurting stop or Make the Hurting stop.The Terrible Thunderlizardshttp://www.angelfire.com/tv2/doctari/ttl.htm
Bludgeon your self
If your trying to sleep then sleep side ways it helps me.
To get your stomach to stop hurting eat a bland diet and drink some Sprite or Ginger Ale.
some food which is like chewing gum or jelly
Freeze a wooden spoon and put it on there while lathering with vinegar
Take some aspirin if it don't work I'm sorry