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The morning after pill is available up to 3 (sometimes 5) days after sex.

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Q: How can you make sure you don't get pregnant after a guy has came inside you?
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Can you get pregnant a day before your period but he wore a condom?

What sense does that make if he wore a condom then he did not nut inside of you unless the condom popped so that's not a smart question for a wanna be pregnant person.

What is preginet?

pregnant? i dont know if this is what you mean, but if u dont know what it is you are probably a child. it is when two people [preferably a male and a female] get together and make a baby. when they make the baby, the woman is pregnant.

Can intake of sprems make a women pregnant?

i dont think so

How do you make awoman pregnant?

Sexual Intercourse with the man ejaculating inside the womens vagina....and it may take years to make the women pregnant.

Can a passive gay make a girl pregnant?

Whether you are a gay, straight or bisexual male you can get a woman pregnant if you ejaculate inside her or she gets your sperm inside her any other way.

Will i get pregnant if a guy bleed inside me?

IF a guy has been inside you with his penis, there is ALWAYS a chance of you becoming pregnant. However, blood will not make you pregnant. If a guy is bleeding inside you, then there is something wrong with his genitalia and both you and he should go and see a Doctor as he may have a disease which he can pass on to you.

Can a women be pregnant eventhough the boy's sperm doesnt came out inside of the vagina?

Yes it is possible as pre-cum is released whilst having intercourse and it can contain sperm. Always make sure you use contraception.

Do you have to make up with a ex-boyfriend you are pregnant for?

you dont have to but it'd be easier to raise your kid

ICould i be prego i stopped taking birth control on wednesday that night thursday and friday my bf came inside me friday night i started my period sunday i had sex and he came in me again?

If you have regular periods having sex just before them is unlikely to get you pregnant likewise having sex during your periods under normal circumstances also wont make you pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you rub semen on your clit?

no just make sure it dont drip down to the hole.

If you are a lesbian can you get pregnant with a girl?

no because girls dont have sperm and sperm is needed to make a baby.

How do you make your women pregnant or which product should you use?

Universally, to make a woman pregnant requires you to have sex with her. Do not pull out at the end, and dont use a condom or oral prophylactic like "the pill".