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Hi there

It's anger that makes the person abusive. EXAMPLE: If the abuser has grown up in an abusive family, then they have learned from that environment and since they were children at the time and had no control over the situation they internalized their anger. People that learn abuse also build a protection wall around them. Once an adult they let all that anger fly, and begin abusing others. Another example: A child that is very spoiled and given every thing they want simply by having a hissy fit, learns how to control others in a bad way. If they can't have what they want when they want it as an adult they can lash out and it can be by abusive measures.

Abusers are about control and therefore, every action they take they feel is the right one and everyone else is wrong. Abusers seldom go for counseling and if you can manage to haul them in to a counselor they are in a denial mode and consider it everyone elses fault they are way they are and will especially blame the very person they are abusing.

Abusers are manipulators and thus, they manipulate family and friends around you. They can be charming, do things for the person to the point of being gushy. For some reason the human race walks around in denial themselves and as long as they are being treated well, then the person is A-OK and the other person complaining about them belongs in a rubber room.

You don't need vindication from anyone! You know, so why are trying so hard to prove it to others. It won't make you gain strength. You have a choice of either walking away from the abuser and seeking help. There are "Abused Women's Centers" in most cities and there are programs for men that are abused as well.

Good luck Marcy

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Only if the abuser wants to be helped and commits to a minimum of one year of BATTERER Counseling. (Anger Management is useless for abusers.)

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