

Best Answer

As long as you do not consider beans to be the best food, it is simple; feed them beans!

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Q: How can you make someone fart without the best food?
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Do turkeys fart?

i believe every living animal, including humans fart. scientists show that your fart interacts with the food you eat. bad food= bad fart and more fart. good food= less fart

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Do eleaphants fart?

Eleaphants do fart because when they eat, it desolves the food which lays gas

I want to fart but i can't what should i do?

u have to eat all lot of food in order to fart

Do rabbits fart?

Apparently, yes. They need to fart so that their food can be more digested properly.

What food did ancient Persians eat?

They ate fart

How long can someone last without food?

3 weeks

What is a typical?

A coccus is a type of fart... it helps you digest food.

Why does adults fart?

They will fart because they eat 2 times more than children do, therefore their digestive system can't get rid of all that food so it sends a sound. The "sound" is known as a fart.

How do you stop bad smelling fart?

stop eating Mexican food

How to have a atomic fart?

Eat lots of spicy food and beans i guess

Do flys fart?

Yes they do. they also eat by vomiting on their food and slurping it back up. That sounds like fart power to me