Chronic headaches can be treated with natural remedies such as tea, or massages. Your doctor can prescribe a medicine for you or you can do a combination of both.
Drink alot of water. It tends to make you dehydrate. And headaches are the first sign of dehydration. Drink alot of water and the headaches will go away.
You can go to the doctor and try out different medications. My parents just use rel-pax and it gets their headaches away really fast. But its different for a lot of people.
Episodic tension type headache is more easily treated than chronic tension type headache. Episodic means it comes and goes and isn't experienced as often as chronic TTH. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache see your physician or a headache specialist.
Sometimes a change in climate and elevation can cause positive change in health conditions. Maybe you should take a visit to California to see how you feel and the decide f moving to California may help to make your headaches go away. What works for one person may not work for another.
A throbbing pain experience in your head. A headache is a stage when the blood vessels in your head don't pump blood properly, causing your head to go through a stage of pain.
I may mean you have a tumour, you should go to the doctor straight away.
Yes, and the headache won't go away for about 18 years. and they never really go away, they just become more infrequent.
Cortal is Aspirin so it makes fever and headaches go away.
6 weeks or more
In some people it does cause a reduction in sever headaches.
to get rid of a headache you need to get rest or eat something spicy. massages help get rid of headaches. if you massage the top of your nose the headache can go away too. put a cold towel or ice pack on your forehead to make it go away.