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People can induce labor of a breech baby by eating spicy foods, having sex, and riding in a car on a bumpy road. It is best, however, to allow the baby to come out in their own time.

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Q: How can you induce the labor of a breech baby?
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A doctor will never tell you to drink Castor Oil. There are no studies that show Castor Oil will induce labor or help your baby flip from the breech position.

When can you legally induce labor in California?

When the doctor decides the baby is ready for labor or if your life is at risk.

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Yes the docotors can induce labor.

Will a breech baby halt labor from progressing?

Maybe. The baby's head pushing against the cervix is what helps it dilate.

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No, but it is likely they will induce labor early. One of the side effects of gestational diabetes is increased weight of the baby. They sometimes induce the labor when the baby reaches a certain weight to avoid some delivery complications.

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if the baby is slow to develop or is still in the womb after 42 weeks

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Drinking vinegar to induce labor is an old wives tale and will not work. It is not recommended to try to induce labor by any methods.

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The doctor knows best. It isn't scary, they just give you a shot and you go into labor. It's safe and doesn't affect the baby.

What is considered a big baby for dr to induce the labor?

They usually do that, yes. That is so they don't have to do a c-section because the mom can't push the baby out.

Does cumin tea really work to induce labor?

It is believed to help induce women after their due date. I tried it a few times and it did not work. But, that does not mean it wouldn't work for someone else. If your body and baby are not ready for labor, it probably wont do anything.

What is a safe way to induce labor at 37.5wks not being dilated?

Don't try to induce before your due date. Your baby's ability to breathe may not be fully developed, and you may risk harming your baby. Wait it out a couple more weeks.