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look up "sprint training" it has done wonders for me

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8y ago

avoid smoking

maintain healthy weight

be active smoking is very harmful for human beings. do know more click this link

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8y ago

you can work on your cardio by finding your target heart rate. 220-age=target heart rate and try and stay at your target heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes each day

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Q: How can you improve your cardiovascular fitness?
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Is it possible to improve cardiovascular fitness without increasing respiratory fitness?


Why would be swimming improve your cardiovascular fitness?

It exercises the heart

How do isometric exercises build physical fitness?

They don't improve cardiovascular fitness at all. They may have a minimal effect on improving strength. .

How many times a week should an individual participate in activities to improve cardiovascular fitness?

One should partake in activities five times a week to improve their cardiovascular fitness. Just 30 minutes a day is all it takes.

How does the gazelle edge work your body out?

The gazelle edge is designed to build leg strength and cardiovascular fitness while having a low impact on your joints. With proper use it will elevate your heart rate to improve cardiovascular fitness.

What is the purpose of wind sprints?

Wind sprints are short, intense bursts of running that help improve cardiovascular fitness, speed, and agility. They are commonly used by athletes to enhance performance, increase endurance, and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Will a treadmill help you with your abs?

A treadmill will help you improve your cardiovascular fitness and your general muscular tone, but is not designed to help you specifically with your abs.

What role does the athlete's cardiovascular fitness play in lactic acid buildup?

Cardiovascular fitness plays a significant role in lactic acid buildup because a well-conditioned cardiovascular system helps efficiently deliver oxygen to working muscles, which can help delay the onset of lactic acid accumulation. Better cardiovascular fitness can also improve the body's ability to clear lactic acid during exercise, reducing the buildup and delaying fatigue.

Benefits of pole vault?

Braveness, strength, and friends(friendliest field event in track and field)(proven)

What fitness component does the PACER test assess?

cardiovascular fitness

Can a smoker recover their cardiovascular fitness?

Yes. It will take time, but smokers who quit and keep quitting can regain much of their cardiovascular fitness.

What are good exercises to lose weight and improve heart health?

Aerobic activity is the best way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Following an overall healthy lifestyle (nutrition included) is important to your physical well-being.