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I am so sorry to hear you are having these problems. I have suffered from panic attacks in the past too, but have not felt the need to hurt myself.

People that hurt themselves with knives, pick at their skin until it bleeds, etc., are punishing themselves. They feel almost everything in their lives and in some other's lives are their fault and it becomes a vicious circle. You have done nothing wrong to warrant this, so please if you can try real hard not to do these things to yourself.

Hurting yourself is something separate than panic attacks. I believe you hurt yourself and then have panic attacks because you don't know what is wrong. I know the answer to this question, but I am not a doctor and prefer not to diagnose so please seek out the help of a doctor. Don't be ashamed of what is happening to you and be open and honest with your doctor. You will not end up in a psychiatric ward, but put on the correct medications. There are also good medications for panic disorders and many good programs out there to help control panic attacks.

There is something (like most of us) hurting you deep inside and your mind isn't quite ready to let go of what the problem is, so it's important you seek out psychiatric help for your problems. Everyone has a fear or a compulsion of sorts (however small they may be) and some of them we can handle and others we can't.

When something hurts us in our past or something very serious has happened such as abuse, rape, murder, etc., (also some street drugs or alcohol can bring on panic attacks on as well as coffee, tea, pop, chocolate) our brain is geared to hide that terrible incident so we can cope in the future. Now it's time to dig it out.

Please don't be afraid as you will be just fine, but it's important that you see your doctor. You are one of thousands that suffer from this problem so you are not alone!


Your question did not say you hurt yourself. But you are afraid of hurting yourself.

This is common with anxiety. But that you fear it means that you do not want to do it. And therefore you will not. People who fear committing suicide or hurting themselves are not compelled to do these things. They are afraid of "losing control" and doing these things.

But it is has been shown that anxiety does not lead to psychosis. You will not go insane and lose control. There is a difference between psychosis and neurosis.

People who kill themselves, hurt themselves, hurt others. Usually WANT to do these things. There is an aspect of these things they find pleasurable. That you are afraid to do these things means you have no desire to do these things.

And you will not lose control. So you don't have to fear ever hurting yourself or others.

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1- Immediately take charge of the situation: The moment you feel a panic attack coming on immediately shout the word "Stop!" inside your head. This will interrupt your brain's regular pattern and prevent it from replaying the same negative thoughts in your head that occur whenever a panic attack starts.

2- Find some water: Water can calm you down instantly (especially cold water). Splashing your face with cold water or even running water on your hands can also help. If you're near a freezer, holding an ice cube in your palm can distract you from the sensations of panic.

3- Use affirmations: An affirmation is a form of autosuggestion in which a statement of a desirable intention is deliberately meditated on. An affirmation is something declared to be true. For example,either speak to yourself or say aloud:

  • I choose to ignore these symptoms because I know that a panic attack cannot harm me
  • I am strong and in control
  • My body is reacting to an emergency that does not exist. Everything is fine
  • I choose to reject my fear and worry
  • I am completely safe. There are no problems at this present moment

4- Change your breathing patterns If you can, concentrate on slowing your breathing down and breathe deeply from your abdomen. This can be done while doing some of the other exercises simultaneously. Take a deep breathe (through your nose not your mouth) until your belly fills with air and let it out slowly to a count of ten. Repeat at least three times. This exercise may need some practice prior to using it during panic episodes.

5- Do some math: Grab a pen and add up any numbers you would like. Add up the ages of your family members, or your phone number, or numbers on a license plate. Doing simple math give your brain something else to focus on taking the focus off of the panic cycle.

6- Play a word game: Think of five things you can buy at the grocery store that begin with the letter A. Then move on the the letter B, then C. Or you can even recite the alphabet backwards.

7- Take a photo: Most people carry around a 'smart' phone with a camera built into it. Not only does the process of aiming and shooting distract you, but the resulting photo to be a bit calming as well. It's an accurate representation of what is in front of you --- unlike the inaccurate version of how we might interpret our surroundings when we're struggling through a panic attack.

8- If you need to, move to another location: If you're at work and begin to panic go into the break room or an empty conference room. Sit in the new location until the panic has subsided. If you're driving pull over to a safe area and get out of your car if possible. Make sure to return to your original location immediately after so you don't develop a situational anxiety association with that spot.

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A panic attack is caused by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of anxiety or fear. They may also be linked to other disorders, such as panic disorders, social phobia, or depression.

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Panic attacks by the,selves can make you have a feeling of impending doom or death but i have not heard of anyone dying of panic attacks.BUT that is not to say it cannot happen.If the shock of the panic attack is too much it may lead to a heart attack and a heart attack can lead to death unfortunately

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