Does the cold make gout worse
Yes when you take sugar when you have a cold, it will make your cold worse.
Also, surgery is not likely to make your symptoms worse
It spreads the rash, making it worse.
I have had 2 c-sections and after baby number one the symptoms got worse and they were much worse after baby number 2. So I would say: yes.
It will make you worse.
Yes, it can make your symptoms worse.
If you are cold your body has a harder time trying to fight off infection. so if you swim in warm water then no, it will not get worse. however if you swim in cold water you may stay sick for longer. it would be rare for a cold to get worse though, just a longer duration.
High beams enhance the fog and make vision worse.
There are no treatable symptoms of mono, the best advice is to let the illness run its course. By taking medication and antibiotics, this may make mono symptoms worse.
yes cause he stuiped like the cold war