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it depends on the test. etg is a metabolite of alchohol. it is persistent for about 10 days on the reagent test and much longer on mass spectrometer or gas chronograph I f you are being tested as part of a zero tolerance program and the test is a CG,MS you will not be able to get out of it. There has been some controversy in the test, but it is the gold standard fro testing for alcohol.If you are taking a cup based urine test, dilution may be your best bet. Drink a lot of water prior to the test and make sure you have peed at least 3 times before giving oyur sample. DO not give the first sample of the day as this is th4e strongest one. Attempting to adulterate the test is illegal in some situations. if it is not you might try to bring in some urine fro another source. This is by no means a recommendation. If you are trying to do this remember that the temperature of the sample and the presence of creatinine is required in order to have a good test. do not drink any alcohol for at least 5 days prior to the test!

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14y ago

None of them work well, even for other tests. The chance that they could help you with an ETG test is vanishingly small. Just don't drink. If you can't stop, that's proof you need all the help you can get.

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15y ago

ETC tests are so sensitive that there's not much you can do. Try not drinking for a week before the test. If you can't manage that, you have far more problems than just passing the test.

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Q: How can you detox for an etg test?
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Will one drop detox work for an etg test?

No. It doesn't work for much of anything else, either. Save your money.

What is an ETG test?

The ETG test is the Ethyl Glucuronide test. It is used to test for alcohol in urine. When ETG is found in the urine, it indicates that alcohol was consumed recently.

Can you pass an etg test with total eclipse?

Not very likely, and it doesn't work well for cannabis, either. Those detox drinks are a ripoff. Your best move is don't use.

Will Tussionex affect an etg test?

Anything that contains alcohol, even mouthwash, will affect an ETG test.

How do they test the etg test?

From a sample of urine.

Will you pass an etg if you drank 3 drinks on Saturday and you test is on Tuesday?

No, you would not be able to pass an EtG test.

Does the military test for etg?


Does a etg test just test for alcohol?

It tests for Ethylglucuronide (ETG)--Alcohol, Creantanine levels, Specific Gravity, Nitirite, and ph.

Will water dilute an etg test?

Drinking water will not dilute an EtG test for alcohol consumption, as EtG is detectable even with high water intake. It is best to abstain from alcohol for a few days before the test to ensure accurate results.

Does dallas county use etg test for alcohol?

Yes they do. When you sign the release for look and see which Panel test they seleccted. If they choose Panel C then it will be a ETG test.

What to buy at GNC to pass a etg alcohol test?

Nothing gmc does not offer anything to pass a drug test or clean out your system

Can you pass a ETG UA in 36 hours after taking a detox?

Probably. No guarantees. ETG tests are too unreliable to say for sure. You may not pass if you have used any products containing alcohol, such as hand sanitizer or mouthwash. There is a serious problem of false positives for people who have not consumed any alcoholic beverage, about which the US federal government has warned those who perform EtG tests.