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A variation of colors ranging from one shade of color, to another

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You cant describe nor explain to a person, WITH BOTH EYES BLIND, what is a rainbow. However, if that person has only a SINGLE EYE which is BLIND, YES you can DESCRIBE TO HIM what is a rainbow.
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15y ago
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12y ago

Hand her/him some. If there's none available, I would find a freezer that has built up some frost and I would scrape some out.

Blind people do understand concepts that sighted people use -- you can say "it's white" and they'll understand even if they've never actually seen "white." You can also say:

  • it is freezing cold
  • it blankets the ground
  • it makes everything seem more quiet
  • it comes down from the clouds like little fluffy cotton balls
  • it covers everything up so all you can see is the outline and vague shapes
  • it's ___ inches thick everywhere
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12y ago

Touch a rock that is about the size of your fist. Then imagine billions and billions of rocks like that, all sticked together to form one gigantic rock. This is called a mountain!

You could get a painting of a mountain which you can feel the shape of the mountains through. There are also special books available for the blind, written in Braille with elevated images which the blind person can feel with their fingers and create the outline of the image in their head.

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13y ago

well you sing the song to them and they IMAGINE...

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Q: How can you describe a mountain to a blind person?
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You actually truthfully cannot explain a color to a blind person because it will only confuse him than help him. There are organizations that do help the blind with their technology for blind people.

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I have no I dear but someone better answer for I need this for school

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You could say darkness, or shadows.

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The apple is strong, vibrant and angry

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you can't. but you can explain it to a patially colorblind person depending on what colors they CAN see.

How would you describe denim to a blind person?

Most blind people understand the concept of color, so you can say what color the denim is. You should describe everything else that does not involve sight - how it feels, smells, sounds, and maybe even tastes!

How do you describe the color gray to a blind person?

In order to describe the color gray to a blind person, it would be beneficial to connect it with one of the other senses. It may described as: the sound of footsteps on concrete, the smell of rain, the smooth texture of stainless steel.