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Your braces aren't going to get stuck. That's just a "RUMOR"

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12y ago

When people make out kissing who both have braces they ushally get stuck or when two people who have braces kissing while having sex

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Q: How can you and make out with some one when you both have braces with out getting stuck?
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My boyfriend and i both have braces and we both want to make out but will our braces get stuck together if we do?

I don't know they could do if the metal gets hooked on each other but that's probably un likely |xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

If you have braces can you get stuck to someone when you kiss them?

Well, my friend is getting braces and she has asked this same question to a lot of people. YES, you CAN get stuck to someone if they have braces too, if they don't have braces then you CAN NOT get stuck. Goodluck. though i dont know why you would complain I mean really, more kissing time. unless it hurt of course. but still

Can braces make your teeth whiter or yellower?

i think it will make my teeth yellow as it will not be able to clean it as dirt will stuck in it

How do you kiss when you have braces?

Well, coming from me, a 12 year old girl with braces ... nothing is different! Just lean and kiss! Same as a kiss with a boy without braces! Good Luck!

Why do your braces feel weird when you drink cold water?

Because the wire is made of metal, and when metal is warm it stretches out, but when its rapidly changed to a cold temperature, (from the cold water), the metal contracts and gets tighter, causing your braces to pull on your teeth a little bit.

Should you get lime green braces?

I am getting my Braces tomorrow! I am getting lime green and pink! My friend says it looks like food stuck in your teeth.. but I am reading as of now that green is a good color to get! Just don't get Black or brown they look like food also yellow. Also dont get white it will make your teeth look really yellow! Be careful purple fades to yellow in The Sunshine State!

What happens if you want to be a vampire for Halloween but have braces is there some way that you can wear them that doesn't involve getting the braces off?

They do make lone peice vampire for your top and bottom teeth. They are rather cheep and should work with braces.

Can the brace glue stick to your cheek?

It can but the assistants are there to make sure that it doesn't. Don't worry nothing will happen and your cheeck wont be stuck to your braces! No it cant because when they apply the braces they cement the glue with a blue light that causes it to dry!

What kind of candies can you eat with braces?

Any thats not too hard or chewy! If you chew gum make sure it's sugar free (you dont want to get gum stuck on your braces!).

Are people with braces better kissers?

Whether someone is a good kisser or not has more to do with their skills and technique than with whether they have braces. Braces may require some adjustments in kissing technique to avoid discomfort, but they do not necessarily make someone a better or worse kisser.

How do you make yourself get braces?

If you actually want braces, you're crazy. p.s. you need crooked teeth to get braces.

Are braces ugly?

no braces arn't ugly they make your teeth straight where they will be prettier